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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Be honest you just saw Skirge's tweet that a certain well known ITK has just re-tweeted didn't you
  2. I think he is weak mentally when ever he makes a mistake his head drops massively. We saw this yesterday and the other example that sticks in my mind is Anfield. He made the free kick clanger and then he might as well not have been on the pitch as his head was gone after that incident, allowing that lot free reign down our right hand side.
  3. Oh well looks like we'll have our strike force back soon then lol
  4. And I suppose the job he's managing at Brum at the minute is all down to the players and the fact that their squad is ten times better than everyone else.
  5. I'm really not sure about the "Foul" that Andy Townsend saw on the halfway line. At what point was Andy Johnson in control or possession of the ball? Is Santon not equally allowed to compete for it? As it looked 50-50 on the halfway line to me. The second one showed up Andy Johnson for to coin an American term the Johnson that he is.
  6. I see our favorite Twitter Bullshitter Colin has his own twitter parody account CNarr07
  7. Oh well looks like its Hughes in charge, just what we need after their new owner bounce at their place. New manager bounce at ours.
  8. What ages were Sir Les and DJ Campbell when they signed for professional clubs? You only have to look at Smalling and Neil Taylor to see that top level players can slip through the net or be late bloomers relatively speaking
  9. How old is Klasnic? Bolton seem thoroughly in the Poo
  10. Well Warren Barton has seen it on Fox apparently
  11. Wishes that this commentator understood what constitutes obstruction, how is that not a foul on Best if neither player is in control of the ball?
  12. Is that not just due to Cabaye doing the Tiote style donkey work though?
  13. It's like watching Peter N'dluv or whatever he was called, I don't think I've seen him lift his head up once when he's been in possession and as a result has run into blind alleys and conceded possession easily. Don't even get me started on the lack of work tracking back. pathetic. why start Sameobi at the Council House but not at St James'?
  14. What on earth made him think going 433 against Chelsea was a good idea?
  15. Yep. Really don't think people understand quite how important this guy is. Some very strange comments in here. I think most people know how good and important he is, however we are well aware of what our ownership will do if presented with a suitably high bid.
  16. This is what suprises me about the Tiote link, wouldn't the other clubs just go for Diame as he'd cost significantly less than Tiote who wouldn't be a guaranteed starter at Chelsea when everyone is fit
  17. I wouldn't be against this on the premise we actually bring someone else in before the sale goes through. There are others who can do the job he does out there, if the club are playing similar games to what they did with Carroll last year I just hope they actually have a replacement lined up.
  18. That is only the adverts on the outside, I'm not sure they need anything for the St James' Park signs. Well the Ricoh is having to be referred to as the City of Coventry Stadium during the Olympics, so maybe a temporary sign will have to be made
  19. wtf? To quote a well known website Damn You Apple Autocorrect
  20. The naming rights have been available for ages man, no one is interested it's simply a ruse to get more Sports Direct advertising. Wouldn't be surprised if its used as a tax dodge on advertising costs too.
  21. I think he was beingedantic as you'll have Heard it called the Sports Direct Arena not stadium
  22. Pretty sure Cabaye can't be sold until the summer, doubt even Fat Mike would be daft enough to sell both of them in the same window.
  23. And sarcastically cheering him is going to inspire him to play better? Fucks sake some people wonder why we get called fickle by other sets of fans. Discuss who was crap in the bar afterwards, but cheer the 11 on the pitch regardless surely?
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