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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. So you're saying you pumped Carl Court's Mam? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Whoever posted this wants to watch their letterbox
  3. I like that too. But probably as I'm originally from Bedlington, am the son of a miner and now have two Bedlington terriers Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  4. Paully from here, no doubt. Nah to be fair it's just his wardrobe choices that are that mental!
  5. Could there not be a case that they have conspired to keep him off the register by concealing his plans to plead guilty to at least some of the charges? Again not going to be punished by the FA, but the club have questions to answer.
  6. Or maybe his WhatsApp history would constitute evidence more reliable than memories from 30 years ago. Also I rather suspect that those in the courtroom have been privvy to further evidence not reproduced on Twitter. The idea that this case is purely one person's word against another's is absurd.
  7. All of the BBC historical sex abuse cases enough for you? Not as if they've been low profile or anything. Seems your knowledge of the criminal justice system is as comprehensive as your knowledge of football.
  8. God we have turned into the Chicken Little of the footballing supporters world under Ashley haven't we!
  9. I think the English thing may also have something to do with who'll we'll be releasing next summer. Both Taylor and Williamson will be gone and as such we may need additional English players in the squad to meet the PL Quota.
  10. What even when the Media Darling Fat Sham has been replaced by a forrin' manager? There'll be plenty in the media waiting for West Ham to collapse to trot out the 'should've stuck with Sam' shite. Can't really see the media turning on Schteeve for a good while yet judging by the support Pardew garnered whilst here IMO
  11. There is some proper 'watch your letterbox' level craic in this thread!
  12. I think people forget we managed to draw with a better Man Utd team with a back four comprising of Ramage, Edgar, Huntingdon and Taylor
  13. Is it possible he just never settled at Newcastle and wanted a return to France? Wouldn't be the first person to struggle to adapt to a new country and culture.
  14. We not got a web wizz? I bet the IP he posted that from is still back in Pennywell
  15. https://twitter.com/tfeditor1892/status/624929624250806272
  16. Mick Martin seems certain he's off to Chelsea on Twitter. Odd move for Chelsea and Moussa if true as he's not gonna start there surely?
  17. No mysogny or bad puns from me Michael Martin ‏@tfeditor1892 12m12 minutes ago Ouston, England I've had a pretty good nod today that Sissoko is 4 the off. Don't ask, I can't say nowt more. #nufc Wouldn't be a great shock, but still a bit shite seeing as how we've had no-one in yet
  18. Cabaye's form at PSG has mainly seen him spray 5 yard passes straight to the opposition, so the argument might have had some validity once, however the last 18 months; which is a long time in football somewhat renders it moot.
  19. I don't think Schneiderlin would be the success he has been in the Southampton team if he couldn't pass a ball, and yeah Pogba couldn't trap a bag of cement which is why nearly every major European team is trying to currently court him. I read some rubbish on these pages but that ranks right up there with the worst of them i'm afraid.
  20. I think the lot of you Mrs need whipping and left covered in monkeys blood for some of these puns
  21. Am I the only one who holds out some vain hope that recent developments at Rangers (notably the rejection of a takeover bid) and Pardew leaving us might point to the fact Ashley is about to sell us and buy Rangers? The fact he's managed to get Lambias and the new finance director in place suggests he up to something at Rangers and the SFA seem unwilling to further bend the rules on dual ownership
  22. In fairness I doubt he sold himself as 'out for months before really kicking a ball' either
  23. I dunno That Man City team did ok with Fernandinho last year and they've just bought Fernando who's main job seems to be run around and kick people too. Oh and didn't Real win the CL playing Pepe in midfield last year? Can't remember him dictating play, his job is simply win the ball back and give it to someone who can play.
  24. Pretty sure he has a white 12C. Not exactly cheap, but not in P1 territory either.
  25. Think a lot of the stuff written regarding how well Hughes has done at Stoke is way OTT IMO. For gods sake Pulis has the previously condemned Palace a few points behind them. Despite the HoofBall comments regarding him, he's managed to use Puncheon really well too. I personally think that Stoke's league position is more down to how bobbins the PL has been this year, a point further illustrated by the fact we're still 9th despite being total dog toffee since Christmas.
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