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Toon Hoser

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Everything posted by Toon Hoser

  1. Didn't even watch the second half. Nothing worth watching anymore.
  2. Toon Hoser


    Messy 2nd half. TFC blow a lead and go down to 10 men. Chicago boss them around and win it. 3-2 F
  3. Toon Hoser


    Yes he can! http://i59.tinypic.com/2h6yqvk.gif 1-1 HT
  4. Toon Hoser


    Can Giovinco score against the Chicago Fires today?
  5. Ehhh, I'll be watching on comfy chairs with my dad at the family Easter gathering. For free, minus a one hour car trip.
  6. This. I'm neither enthusiastic nor negative towards them. Kind of numb to all things NUFC lately.
  7. Toon Hoser


    TFC at Salt Lake. Home side scores in the first half. TFC look listless throughout, Giovinco's 3-game scoring drought reaching "crisis" proportions, etc etc. 88th minute - TFC equalize! 89th minute - Salt Lake march straight up the field and score again. 2-1 Final. Another TFC classic. http://i.imgur.com/57uMO.gif
  8. Toon Hoser


    If they switched to proper City of Chicago flag shirts, they would never lose. I am telling you this.
  9. It's going to be awesome when we scoop him up from Spurs. Just wanted to write something like that, once in a lifetime.
  10. Aye that blue number is lush. We know our place on the world stage -- and it isn't actually on the stage but somewhere in an empty corridor, behind some bins.
  11. For Aspiring International Players Who Couldn't Convince Another Country's FA To Take Them In, There's Always... http://i59.tinypic.com/15rxzpi.jpg
  12. http://i61.tinypic.com/fwkuns.jpg Shirt has woven stripes going across, you can kind of see them.
  13. Toon Hoser

    John Carver

    Listen, he never literally threw the towel, you see. Lick.
  14. "That black away kit that Portugal wore in the year in between tournaments." http://i60.tinypic.com/30w00eh.jpg
  15. Toon Hoser


    He's going to need one hell of a thick skin, the abuse he will get if he appears on a football pitch will be incredible. Also, if he is ever found guilty - Sunderland will be known as the team who happily played with the paedo (no pun intended). Have heard they're going the whole way and renaming the ground Paedoland in order to pull in a key demographic. Although you'd have thought they have that market cornered, etc etc. There's a photoshop with the Stokoe statue crying out to be made.
  16. Toon Hoser


    Cartoon humour. Love the panel with Bruce.
  17. 0-4. Main point of viewing interest will be the very stripey socks on Arsenal.
  18. Toon Hoser


    The last sporting event of any importance to be played in Toronto was the last time the Bills were up there. http://i.giphy.com/lAhV1U3MCBPhu.gif
  19. Toon Hoser


    The last sporting event of any real importance played in Yankee Stadium was the 1958 NFL Championship Game.
  20. Yup. Couldn't be arsed to watch, just checked in for the score. Not even angry with it, just meh, whatever. Hopefully a new era comes sooner rather than later.
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