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Everything posted by Norseman

  1. What a bunch of weirdos. Kind of think they deserve the shit they've been served this season now. Karma Nah man, it was just a select few of them...
  2. Imagine them being relegated by us scoring a winner via a deflection off a beachball. Big slices of karma right there, would be beautiful. Was Rafa the Liverpool manager when that happened ? I think it was Reina in goal? If so it must have been Rafa. Might be wrong though.
  3. Fair enough if we were safe, but that's fucking risky. Burn it.
  4. Jesus. That must have been messy.
  5. This young man has stepped up big time the last few weeks. Both on the pitch and off it.
  6. Would pick him ahead of Janmaat if they were both fit atm.
  7. They've switched off completely. Think we need a win on saturday to keep hope alive.
  8. Carroll 1-0. He's been on fire lately
  9. Oh dear, he doesn't have anyone directing him,no rehearsal. It's just him. I would love to see him on politics/religion/ even abortion. Would be a burial. I couldn't resist watching that again. The bit about girls. He's so tiny. Looks like a toddler among those cars
  10. Seemed to me a blatant attempt to con the referee into giving a pen. The contact seemed to be after he jumped theatrically into the air. Kudos to the ref. Correct and ballsy decision.
  11. Only chance for us is if they don't turn up. But they will and they will win easily. 3-0 or so
  12. What a great and genuine man he is. It's such a huge contrast to the snake Pardew, the idiot Carver and the buffoon McClaren.
  13. He's got ability IMO. Just he has a crap attitude
  14. Norseman

    Johan Cruyff

    One of the best the world has seen. RIP
  15. There's really no need for it any more. I seem to remember even the families of the victims went public and pretty much said so a while ago?
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