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Everything posted by Norseman

  1. Ryan Taylor seems to be this years Dan Gosling His contract is expiring as well isn't it?
  2. Norseman

    John Carver

    I don't see how anyone can have sympathy with this lickspittle. If he was truely a fan and cared about the club, he would step down as he is clearly not competent for the job. Even if he is enormously dim, he knows that deep inside.
  3. He'll get demoted to his eight year ass. man. contract. We'll hire a new, cheap head coach to keep the sheep happy to buy season tickets.
  4. Norseman

    John Carver

    Listen, 2 wins in 13 is not bad in this league.
  5. Norseman

    John Carver

    The high res photo of him is absolutely revolting. Looks like a hobo dragged off the street with no credentials.. oh..
  6. I wish it was so, but it's just what they want us to believe tbh. Let's see if Carver can pick up a decent result (lol) and the press is again pushing for him to get the job.
  7. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/03193/carverreut_3193600b.jpg
  8. "We dont need any more players." No defenders on the bench. Could make a nice meme.
  9. Not to the extent of dropping 11 places.
  10. So the average fall is 2,3 places. Our average fall is 8,7 places. In fact if we take Newcastle out of the equation and look at the other clubs, the average fall is just 1,7 places. Not too bad and certainly no excuse for dropping 11 places. Actually seems they could have just changed the headline to "Europa league hurts Newcastle's premier league campaign"
  11. http://bethesdaswallownest.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/pray.jpg
  12. That's more like it. The caretaker manager said this is what he was expecting from Pardew as well, in the interview on MOTD the other night. They didn't watch us at all under him then. Just repeating his lies for him. As of course he does often publicly say he likes attacking football and flair players, while in reality he's shit scared of breaking up his team's shape, and therefore relies on a little bit of luck/magic/science or whatever to nick his team (not us anymore thank god) a goal while keeping it tight.
  13. Best of luck Hatem. Dont know about the football team but Nice is a beautiful place. Hope he can really blossom there, though i fear his best playing days are behind him.
  14. Get in I really wish that it had all been 100% officially confirmed by now but f*** it. Happy new year! All sorted. All loose ends now agreed. AP on way to Villa Park. Will delete shortly. Will he be in the dugout? How good will that feel, seeing him in someone else's dugout? That would be magnificent
  15. Get in I really wish that it had all been 100% officially confirmed by now but f*** it. Happy new year! All sorted. All loose ends now agreed. AP on way to Villa Park. Will delete shortly. Will he be in the dugout?
  16. http://media.giphy.com/media/11Dhi31aeMuA0w/giphy.gif
  17. http://media.giphy.com/media/ToMjGpz81S7usvTIM8w/giphy.gif
  18. Norseman


    Thank you whoever you are
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