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Everything posted by Norseman

  1. This is ludicrous. Compensation ffs. Unbelievable! The end is near!
  2. Norseman


  3. Imagine this team plus Mbiwa, Benny and Marv under a good manager
  4. Can't believe those who now change their tune on the back of a couple of wins - one that Pardew didn't even want to win. It's just extremely short sighted. If he wins a few more we are stuck with this self promoting, self loving arsehole for possibly years more. Guaranteed. Six years left on his contract ffs. He won't change his "philosophy" ever. The shit results will return, and the shit football is there even if we get some results now and again.
  5. Personally I still want us to lose every league game embarrassingly until P45 is gone.
  6. Fucking hell, Pardew will be in full smug mode after this
  7. Problem with these opening fixtures is we've been playing shite team who are scared to pinpoint our weaknesses and have a go at us because they're so entrenched in a shitty negative mindset orchestrated by shit managers like our own. Pearson may well fall in to this category. I really hope I'm wrong, but I have a gut feeling Leicester will be playing for a draw. Haven't really watched them though, so yeah, hopefully they are more positive than I suspect and are willing to go for the throat.
  8. "I fink the fans are middle class enoff to understand the players are fighting to get them that win."
  9. Norseman

    Papiss Cissé

    Does he not say that the protests does not affect the players. Then how do the protest then damage (the team) Newcastle exactly?
  10. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cgB_BSb83_k/URlzsKFVQZI/AAAAAAAAApg/y2POfDMhpEY/s0/Da%20fuck.jpg
  11. He could be on the verge of getting this sacking over the line
  12. One for the excuses thread.. "It woz an agent in auztreila wot caused it"
  13. Heart breaking news more like.
  14. Have a look at the first page of this thread
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