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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. Gutted for the lad and whats worse is it means we're stuck with Raylor at left back because he won't play Ferguson. It's injuries like this that p*ss all over the "squad is stronger this year" statements. Actually isn't Ferguson injured too?
  2. Defo like the 3 in midfield option either for more security but more so creativity. We don't have two strikers to pull defences about and we need to create more so someone like Marveaux coming in would really benefit.
  3. He's started slowly and looked very average but he clearly had a shocking pre-season so it'll take time to get going. I think once the midfield (hopefully) finds some more fluidity merging with attack with the likes of Ben Arfa and Marveaux it should spread the play a bit and he could benefit from that. At the moment we don't seem to be able to mount any decisive moves or attacks from midfield and that probably isn't helping Tiote. You don't become shit overnight, I'm not worried yet.
  4. Poor performance but a point gained. Pardew needs to freshen things up in the shape of Santon, Ba, Marveaux etc and be prepared to give Sammy a proper run out. Why Shola started straight after an injury is beyond me? Game over, move on. Atleast we can finally move on from the whole Barton affair at last................thank christ.
  5. Well this could be the game where we get a bit of a wake up call as people have suggested. As someone mentioned (Sewelly I think) the thought of Agbonlahor/N'Zogbia tearing at Raylor is a hideous one. The lads at the back and the keeper have done brilliantly so far but this would be a bridge too far wouldn't it. If we can change it from being cloggers up front to a bit of variety and use our pace a bit better we'll be able to put them on the back foot a bit. I'd like to see Marveaux involved or if he is going to play Obertan change it slightly because he's looked far from being an out an out and out winger who will cross anything or take anyone on. Maybe a tweak in formation would get more out of him? Shola shouldn't start and it would be fantastic to see the likes of Sammy get a decent run out if we're banging our head off brick walls after 60 mins. Be interested to see how Ba does from now on now that Ramadan is over as it's been made clear (whether you agree with it or not) that the period has had an effect on the lads fitness.
  6. For a game against a supposes A category team in the prem at home their attendance was shocking yesterday.
  7. I for one don't expect this to be an easy win at all but the fact our defence looks solid gives us a good chance at victory. What's a real c*** is I can't get the evening off to watch the bloody match
  8. Obertan is defo important away from home but Marveaux will no doubt be pushing him for a starting place.
  9. They're still going to be weak at the back and if we keep it tight as we have done I can see us winning this something like 2-1. The way the defence has looked in the first few games gives me confidence. They'll no doubt come at us but if we can ride that tide of "new signings" emotion then I can still see them coming unstuck at some point.
  10. Cabaye spreading the ball around and keeping possession and Ben Arfa (potentially) providing the spark to create openings is an exciting one.
  11. Yeah Spurs at home would seem like the most likely start as the games against Forest, Wolves, Blackburn should do well to him up before the two week break.
  12. Excellent news. So presuming all goes well is/was the plan to play him behind the striker so a team something like: Krul Simpson Taylor Colo Santon Obertan/Marv Tiote Cabaye Jonas Ben Arfa Ba/Best/Shola
  13. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    Is Pardew that desperate to hold onto his position at the stake of his dignity? I mean it's embarrassing the extent to which those above him are making him look the fool carrying the can for the failings of the club. We'd be screwed if he left with those idiots above in charge but he'd certainly get my respect if he said "you know what I just can't work under these conditions anymore" and while he might not get another job in the premier league he'd get another job in football. I mean it's not like Ashley's paying him top whack anyway with the bous scheme he's on so he doesn't stand to lose a lot of he leaves in financial terms. I know there's a huge draw for managers to work at a club like ours but at the price and indignity Pardew is brining upon himself? I'm not really one for conspiracy theories but do they literally have him by the balls for something?
  14. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    As always there's the next transfer window to redeem themselves, say a left back like Pieters to move Santon to right back, a striker and cover at centre half. If as hoped from now until Jan isn't destroyed by injuries these additions would massively improve the club, morale and the fans would say "good work" and the club would've organised themelves with the second half of the season to push on ................................................will it happen though? Will it bollocks, simply too many false dawns.
  15. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    Press conference on thursday will certainly be interesting
  16. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    Do you think Liverpool are having concerns about Carroll if as believed they went after Sturridge? A friend of mine in Liverpool confirmed from what he'd heard that Pool had gone after Sturridge.
  17. ExiledGeordie

    Leon Best

    There's something about this lad I like and he seems to get the goals, so hopefully a combination of confidence growing over games and plenty of chances created by the midfield he can continue to do well.
  18. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew's made himself look like a mug with all of his quotes from Carroll 100% staying to the striker coming in before the deadline and while he needs to stop guaranteeing stuff in the future the extent to which Ashley/Llambias are hanging him out to dry is just plain ridiculous. It's as if they know they they've got him by the balls or something, which I'm guessing they have to a certain extent? He can't come out and overtly criticize the board as he'll be hoofed out and he also knows he won't ever get a club this size again. It's all pretty embarrassing stuff really either way and there's plenty (most) of managers who would just do as Keegan did and say "this is quite frankly pathetic, I'm off" His next few press conferences are going to be cringeworthy but then again whats he supposes to say? He's both made himself out to look an idiot but nothing compared to how badly those above are making him look while they retire to the dark board rooms of St James Park and let him take the heat as a result of their idiot governing.
  19. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    It's just become more of a bad joke really hasn't it
  20. I think we can win this (narrowly). In contrast to Newcastle sides of the past we look like we can keep a clean sheet but don't look like getting many goals. I'd like to see Marveaux involved, he looks good to me. Maybe include Marveaux from the off as another attacking option just behind Best instead of Ba or use Obertan for that role more central. Krul Simpson Taylor Colo Santon Obertan Tiote Cabaye Jonas Ba Best
  21. The other problem is that while you can commend some of the signings who've come in who have a resaleable value, if players are always going to be sold on for profit there will never ever be any consistency to the side as every player will have a price above their head. Any player that does well and catches the attention of other clubs will almost certainly be sold on. That will always hinder progression. We may well play well under Pardew, we might stay, we might finish top ten, Ben Arfa might turn out to have a cracking season, who knows? I'll always support the side but I think it'll always be like this under Ashley/Llambias until they go.................question marks, silence, lies, lack of care towards fans, dubious decision making. There's just been too many gaffs over the past few years, too many mistakes, too many bizarre decisions and too little communication from the board to make me think otherwise.
  22. My worry is that we're stuck with him for a while. If he keeps us in the league with minimal expenditure he can claw back what money he lost and then start making some money while the whole time using NUFC/St James Park as a marketing tool for his awful Sports Direct carry on. It's pretty clear he has absolutely zero intention of placating the fans with squad progression or signings and I'm just worried that he sees NUFC/St James as a good marketing tool/money making scheme in the years to come. Sorry to be negative................I might add I don't expect popcorn signings and trillions spent on players, I'm a realist but I would like to see the fans treated with the respect they deserve and that'll never under Ashley/Llambias.
  23. And probably because they'll be too much pressure on him to come back straight away and play a full part as opposed to easing him back in. The board decided to bring nobody in and go with what they've got so there'll be extra pressure on him to come back and perform straight away and when you do that you run the risk of a new injury.
  24. If he's pencilled in for Wolve then you'd have to think it should be by the middle of the month. I think more realistically the Spurs game at home 2 weeks later if he's to return in October. Who knows though, it was clearly far worse than anyone had hoped and he'll need a good few games to get up to speed and get his confidence back. No doubt a fully fit, confident Ben Arfa will add something to the team that no other play we have can.
  25. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    He doesn't do himself any favours at all I agree and most of the stuff he comes out with currently is akin to "Comical Ali" lol
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