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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. I hate when this thread gets bumped
  2. http://www.economicnoise.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/scared-to-death.png
  3. journal saying they hope to have him on the bench on saturday :s whats up with harper?
  4. can someone tell me what the so-called contingency plan we had for when enrique leaves? did pardew not say (i know) that we had money put aside for either enriques new 'fantastic' contract or to be added to the selling fee for a replacement? yet he's been gone a week and we're seemingly no closer to getting one in i know we're apparently bidding for a couple but its really pissing me off how long it takes us to sort things, especially when its as urgent as needing a left back bit of a rant
  5. 1st time i'll have been to the SOS on saturday, never been to an away game where we've won (darlo aside)...this is obviously going to be when my luck changes
  6. aye same here pretty sure we'll not bring this bloke in at all either
  7. what bars are open early on saturdays in town? i know milecastle etc open at 8, any others?
  8. cant say i'm optimistic like, but i never am shitting myself
  9. 14 million, jordan henderson anyone? fuck right off
  10. for 14 million, we should tell them to fuck off
  11. Wilson

    Erik Pieters

    Afellay lot more puns coming tbh
  12. Wilson

    Erik Pieters

    johan a laugh aren't ya?
  13. Wilson

    Erik Pieters

    not suprised, ashleys a robben twat
  14. Wilson

    Erik Pieters

    looks a bit of a hard basten, some may say he looks rijkaard
  15. Wilson

    Erik Pieters

    after all this e'dam' well better be decent double punnery, genius
  16. Wilson

    Erik Pieters

    Are you being frank? was actually bein krul about the piss poor puns tbh
  17. Wilson

    Erik Pieters

    if this saga goes on much longer its goin de boer the shit out of me
  18. its on sky, but when i click the link its saying "We are not able to display this article at the moment."
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