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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. hard as f*** i'm pleased he's arrived in a rhythm selection
  2. think i'll see a lot more of this, this season .... annoys me that i got kicked out of me seat when the chances are, most of the time the away section will be like this (albeit not quite as bad) http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i52/dj_wilson06/IMG-20110828-00105.jpg
  3. Isn't that normally followed by the player being sold and quotes coming out about how he was pushed out for money?
  4. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    ahh, the wittyness. forgot about that section, i use the direct link to this section when i'm at work
  5. lee_ryder Lee Ryder Santon donning #nufc training gear at Benton
  6. its fine lads, he doesnt want to leave.... http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2011/08/30/cheick-tiote-i-don-t-want-to-leave-newcastle-72703-29325960/
  7. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    not season tickets, but didnt know where to put this 43 fucking quid for villa away? whats that about.....my hate for Villa has just took another step up
  8. ahh that was you...was gona mention someone trying to stop them with a 'toon toon' chant.... i wouldn't say i hate my seat, like the view and the fact i can still stand up (2nd row from back ) ..... but its just not the same for atmosphere/singing, sang at the top of my voice most of last season and could barely hear my own voice due to every single person around me singing. just hope it picks up in the corner
  9. we've got too many black style players tbh
  10. would they really pay through the nose for him tho? if he does go this late in the window I can only see it happening if it is a ridiculous fee
  11. had leaflets on the end of each row about 'persistent standing' fairly dead i thought, livened up a fair bit after the goals naturally. Dunno why but i found it amusing when the 'ryan taylor, over the wall' chant just didnt end, went on for about 10 mins although it got annoying by the end
  12. yeah...was just wondering if it was serious/recurring
  13. good to hear that from someone like morinho on the other hand, how bad was this injury he's had :s
  14. He's electric, he does things I never expected and he needs more time He's got a brother, they look quite like one another but they don't play like each other Cos he's sublime. bit pedantic but that flows better
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