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Everything posted by LV

  1. That’s bollocks man. You’ve fallen for Ashley’s PR. He loved the club and the fans and saw us as a project, a sleeping giant he could help resurrect. He was badly let down…. and by the looks of it still is.
  2. There were no other suitable top jobs in Europe around man. What was the football obsessed fella supposed to do? Sit at home? I will never understand this point of view. It was just Ashley PR and it’s been done to death now. If you still don’t get it well…. I don’t know what to say.
  3. My main fear is that we accidentally buy a dickhead who disrupts the amazing squad ethic we have got going on here. I’m pretty certain that’s a huge part of Eddie’s transfer strategy though so it’s probably unlikely, but it’s a fear nonetheless.
  4. I hope he’s got his calculator out for when he plays Chelsea/ Forest/ Man City / every other team in the league. The spooky little creep.
  5. LV


    I thought he was motm. He’s solid as fuck
  6. I really want us to spank this lot in their own backyard.
  7. LV

    Alexander Isak

    He’s gonna be a superstar this lad
  8. LV

    Anthony Gordon

    yeah he was fine. Put some good tackles in, made some good runs. Gave a free kick away near the end which pissed Eddie off and there was also one time where he didn’t press the defender where I thought he should have done but apart from that looked good. He’s gonna be fine.
  9. What an absolutely majestically managed game and what a result. 5 wins on the bounce. Champs league form.
  10. It’s that dafty on VAR that’s fucked us before
  11. Eh? ASM is injured. It’s a forced change.
  12. Bullshit pen decision. They’re just guessing
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