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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-07/2/8/enhanced/webdr09/anigif_enhanced-buzz-17097-1404302767-15.gif
  2. Vile treatment of this professional and all round good bloke.
  3. What a fucking mess fat sam looks. Sour faced bastard.
  4. Pixelphish

    John Carver

    BM :lol: So fucking behind the times, so 15 minutes ago.
  5. Carragher especially loves to roll out the tired old cliches about NUFC. 'The fans up there expect too much of their club, he's in a difficult position' etc etc. Cunts, the lot of them.
  6. Happy I stuck with Rooney. Salvaging a poor week into an average one after the Sterling fuck up.
  7. Convinced the Hull game is the last time we'll have to see his slimy face in the SJP dugout.
  8. As is always the case. The longer he's in the team the more his inadequacies show.
  9. Pile of shit anyway. Just hurry up and sack him already.
  10. Captain Sterling on the bench, Clyne is my vice. Could be worse.
  11. Probably not. We've been here literally a dozen times. This is what worries me.
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