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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Tough times at the Bew Camp
  2. He's my guilty pleasure.
  3. Reasonably surprised Delaney stuck to his guns. Fair play.
  4. Pixelphish

    Loris Karius

    Cult hero in the making this lad.
  5. Reading the NFFC subreddit, they're not very happy
  6. I really feel for pro's that have to retire early because of injures. I blew a disc out a few years ago and just not being able to do the things in the gym I use to be able to do had such a heavy impact on my mental health.
  7. Or Lampard. How can these club boards look at their last jobs and think I want some of that.
  8. I'm sure waiting for the inevitable knock on the door will do that nicely.
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