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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Feel genuinely sorry for normal Sunderland supporters that RTG is their biggest forum.
  2. I love watching this Real team, especially Vini. Outrageous.
  3. Not a rumour but I'd like to imagine we were one of the two clubs mentioned. Wages probably put to bed any romantic thoughts like that.
  4. Thought the same for the longest time and I'd wager plenty of people reading these posts did as well.
  5. "If we play you next season we have all agreed we will stay Sunderland for the weekend rather than Newcastle"
  6. Bowen is good but I'd be disappointed if he's high up the 'CL target list'. I think I've been spoilt massively with Ice-ak, Bruno and Botman.
  7. Is this the game we finally give out a humping?
  8. It astounds me how thick these football club owners can be. Like an episode of Black Mirror.
  9. I'll allow Everton to stay up if they beat this lot the neet.
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