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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. I think they disowned them last year. Hillarious there's no mention of them in that thread though.
  2. I'm with Cubes, on top of knowing an absolute melt of an Arsenal fan who I don't want to have any enjoyment whatsoever.
  3. I'm over it already to be honest. 6 points from 3 tough away games. Villa deserved to win by 5 or 6. But please let that be the last of Burn starting for a few games at least.
  4. I hope you're right Kaks. Seems like a bit of a perfect storm out there. Ref buying absolutely everything is infuriating.
  5. I know statistically they're over performing but I'd still be happy with a draw if we can Muller Spurs at sjp
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