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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. I feel like we need this as a gif for these situations.
  2. Happy to see the word class in the opening gambit.
  3. No strong feelings on him either way until someone called him Yank Lampard. For that I love him and hope he does well somewhere else.
  4. Do we know what his end game is with the CBS/Ricoh Arena in Coventry yet? Other than plastering his tat all over it eventually I assume.
  5. Bit soon to be jumping the shark, jonesy.
  6. You've got a mad imagination James, i'll give you that.
  7. I've seen some things in my time around here.
  8. It's all going to go wrong at CFC, right?
  9. Career suicide if he ends up accepting a move to Everton.
  10. Probably accept catching nufc this season isnt likely and want the wage bill reduced.
  11. Hope he thrives in his new environment.
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