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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Hopefully Rafa to Leicester and he puts in a wee word to a certain someone.
  2. Pretty sure Tenny watched a different game to the rest of us.
  3. I'll have a nervous breakdown if this isn't the case.
  4. Can't deal with this and their inevitable undeserved goal.
  5. The brass iron the club voted for this. I understand the mental gymnastics behind it but it's still hillarious.
  6. Boehly getting over excited with his new toy is all I have.
  7. Wants too much salary given CFCs recent 600m spending spree?
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/mar/29/tottenham-fabio-paratici-football-ban-extended-worldwide-by-fifa-juventus Fabio Paratici’s football ban extended worldwide by Fifa in blow to Spurs
  9. Rival fans are always welcome but you'll always get some precious Peters lashing out
  10. Froggy's gunna be laughing into his perfect Guiness.
  11. Don't want this shower of cloggers anywhere near our players.
  12. Why couldnt he keep hiding the situation until after our match.
  13. Just comes across awkward af. Any nufc fan getting themsleves frothed up about that needs to calm down. He just has zero charisma.
  14. Think Bonky is making the point his stock is a lot lower after his Brugge stint.
  15. Something unsettling about this guy. Like an uncanny valley kind of feeling.
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