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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Already signing his contract in london then.
  2. Unless we get him on the super-cheap 1-2mill, I wouldn't want him at all, and with the wage he probably wants I would rather see us put more money to get Ince.
  3. More rape alligations? This is great....
  4. I am Norwegian and I hate the prick. I actually believe Elliot is better. Jarstein has not been good in the Norwegian league and is prone to moments of mental instability every damn game. Hope it's bullshit.
  5. Hey, not fair when I explained the outburst in another post you muppet
  6. Aye, you are quite right, I just wish we could see some intent. I know that they probably do the most sensible and try to not get robbed and I am a bit trigger happy. But the relegation season was so horrible to witness and I felt like we where playing with a massive fire last season as well. But yeah the sensible thing to do as you say is just breathe out. Hard to do under our ownership and after the JK employment/holiday farse though. But i'll say one thing, it is never boring to support this team!
  7. I really hate the c*** of a owner we have with a bigger c*** as our director of football, while a clown is the manager. Feels like a bad black comedy movie. I don't want to disagree in general, but what has Fer going to Norwich got to with it? It was more of a general whine really. Should probably have typed up more. But its just sad to see how clubs like Norwich are going about their buisness trying to wrap up signings so they can join up with the team in pre-season and maybe they can learn how to actually play together as a unit. And then we have our way of buisness.. Which just seems out of controll without no plan at all. Now I might just be hopped up on the rage-bus. But I just feel like seeing all of these teams doing their buisness like pro's makes our club seem even more like a club runned by some drunks from the sidestreets even more visible.
  8. I really hate the cunt of a owner we have with a bigger cunt as our director of football, while a clown is the manager. Feels like a bad black comedy movie.
  9. If he doesnt want to play for Villa, why would he come here?
  10. It just makes way too much sense, and I am not sure he'll be willing to take a big paycut.
  11. worthy

    Arouna Koné

    Ill join the voices on getting Kone instead of Bent. Quite like his style and would be able to play alongside Cisse, if his Wigan spell is anything to go by.
  12. worthy

    James Perch

    Wish him all the best! Wont forget his amazing tackles on Suarez, specially the one where he came in with the studs in his knee and the ref deemed it a fair challange. Good lad!
  13. Would fit Supah Joe and Pardew's epic plan for experience and shit.
  14. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Well, the bad news even how dumb it might sound is more realistic now then if you where to say that we would be getting a super CB, ST, LW and getting rid of obertan/ameobi/jonas.
  15. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    I hope this is so BS. But then again, who the fuck could see Joe the fat cunt as our DOF?
  16. I really really wish the worst of faiths upon this man. I will laugh and actually cry of joy the day he fucks off an dies.
  17. Other than zero fans turning up on matchday, there is nowt else we can do. Btw how did Liverpool fans force Hicks and Gillet to sell up? Turn up do not go in, stand outside the team will still hear us out there but NOT going into the ground will get the message across. Sounds like an awesome way. too bad people will continue to pocket money in to his wallet. Even though they get shit smeared all across their face
  18. I hope people will stop buying NUFC related stuff and cancel their ST's now. We cannot give them anymore money when they keep treating us like idiot consumers.
  19. I'll support Pardew on this shit, at least he'll do some good before he fucks off
  20. worthy

    George Caulkin

    As you clearly don't have minds of your own, it was irresponsible of me to attempt to influence you in this way. Having now read Joe's . best-selling book, The Bible, I understand that all this was "water off a duck's arse" and that his fundamental role in leading Arsenal ... to an unprecedented quintuple of trophies, including Rear of the Year 2078, was worthy of better. I would also like to extend my apology... to David Llambazee, Dizzy Gillespie, Lethal Bizzie and NUFC players, Sherpa Ameoni, Yohan Kebab and Harry Ben Nevis. Perfect
  21. worthy

    Steven Taylor

    God damn it Taylor, could you please stop acting like a dim fuck.
  22. And so it begins. Just a basic lack of respect. This can't end well..
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