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Everything posted by midstoon

  1. 10! i'm actually prepared for relegation now & if we stay up it would be a huge surprise
  2. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6h6y78WmY1rwcc6bo1_500.gif
  3. Rather have Danny Graham than Gomis. never rated Gomis everytime i've watched him he's been crap
  4. midstoon

    Loïc Remy

    2 French internationals joining bottom of the league qpr now why would they do that? (small club, small fan base, stadium that looks like a 1950's train station) can anybody really see these 2 up for the relegation fight if qpr don't start picking up results straightaway. This is why i hate football nowadays!!
  5. midstoon

    Loïc Remy

    Every time someone plays qpr they'll be singing " there's only 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 greedy B******s
  6. midstoon

    Loïc Remy

    Turned 26 3 days ago. hardly an oap! and only 3 days outside of our so called strict policy which we broke for papiss & debuchy. But true we should'nt be paying much over £10 million for him if he's out of favour & out of form & there looking to get rid. this is one that will goto the last day as they'll be waiting to get the best offer for him & our track record suggests our offer won't be great compared to there valuation!
  7. Market square starting to fill up now http://www.comitevoorinitiatief.be/webcam/
  8. TBF they don't normally do match thread do they? Was there one today, and if so, when did they close it? Yep!! closed it when the 1st penno was awarded!!
  9. Ha Ha!! The match thread on Rawk has been locked and anybody that talks about the match will be banned!! lol
  10. Thought it was a young ricky hatton at first!
  11. Rooney instead of carroll & ox instead of milner!!!
  12. just noticed muamba & his missus at the top there shaking the players hands aswell!!
  13. Hope he gets better soon!!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098281/David-Ginola-hospitalised-throat-injuries-skiing-accident.html
  14. did a runner from the accident scene & went into hiding aswell until the next day & then handed himself in killed a woman and her young daughter!!
  15. midstoon

    Papiss Cissé

    and Harewood!! or was that on loan?
  16. midstoon

    Papiss Cissé

  17. ha ha!! even the daily fail have a story about this now http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2071700/How-Fifa-12s-physics-engine-players-impossible.html
  18. midstoon


    What kind of paper? written on the back of his receipt for a magic carpet!
  19. midstoon

    Soft spot?

    Derby & Anorthosis famagusta (Cyprus)
  20. Stokes scouting system in full force http://img.allvoices.com/thumbs/image/609/480/71364971-indonesias-tallest.jpg
  21. armand traore!! now anton ferdinand i'm starting to feel confident about this game already 3-1 to us hoping they sign some more quality signings before tommorow night tho. lol
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