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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. It's kind of ironic that most of those that will have posted the anti-gay comments will be young lads. From what I can gather, most wear some sort of moisturiser or lad make up that would have had them in the same category back in the day.
  2. I just never forget this and so should everyone else. This was from the Keegan constructive dismissal tribunal. So dismiss nowt.
  3. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-united-sources-play-down-13263547
  4. Some right twats out today. https://twitter.com/LascelIes/status/880740498100584448
  5. Seems to be brightening up outside after days of gloom. Hope that's an omen for some positivity coming.
  6. Just seems weird for some reason. It reminds me of the last promotion Summer where we knew nothing and im sure Rafa was more vocal last year. There's been very little from the usual ITK's as well as if there's been some sort of embargo put in place although in my damaged mind I just picture that the whole place has just shut down until July kicks in later on with everyone there and every item just frozen in time. Once that clock chimes 12 tonight it unfreezes.
  7. Huddersfield look like they're signing Tom Ince as well.
  8. On checking, the source seems to be a parody account of sorts.
  9. Sick of it like. It needs to be requested in the next fans forum that we get webcams of Rafa's whereabouts 24/7.
  10. https://twitter.com/Swampmonster9/status/880727235027718144
  11. Why is my twitter timeline filling with rumours that Rafa's quit? Better just be the usual shite that spreads like wildfire
  12. Without giving anything away aside the flag stitching, I wonder if anyone who was there could at least report on whether they were happy with the outcome of what was discussed or not.
  13. Wonder how the forum got on tonight? Should find out once Donald Trump's advisor's have butchered the minutes.
  14. Im just going along on the notion that Ashley is stalling until July 1st to make his books look healthier. Crookedness aside and with the knowledge that he has a degree in fuck ups, even Stevie Wonder could see that huffing Rafa or not strengthening enough is suicide.
  15. Nike kits are just utter s.hite at present. It's as if the same template has been allowed to be abused by someone using microsoft paint for the first time and they got confused.
  16. I wouldn't say I was in either camp. I just think that with talk of Ashley inviting bids etc, that any transfers of decent clout wouldn't be done until the championship turnover year ends (June 30th) in order to make the figures not look so bad for prying eyes. If by this time in 2 weeks that we've still done nowt then it's a time to be concerned but spending nowt or £100m, my feelings of the sausage fingered fraud will never be changed with him at best, like now, just being tolerated amidst the backdrop of seeming calm.
  17. If as we suspect that the financial period of July 1st to June 30th is dictating things then Rafa will already know the value of his giro ready to be cashed. If it's anything like our post office then it will be shut on Saturday's now so he may have to wait until Monday morning to draw the funds, even then he's got graft.
  18. Like every other story out there, we dont know which ones are true. We're an easy subject to talk about, especially transfer talk as the majority know we are looking for the answer to 2+2. 99% of the shite attributed to us will equal anything but the right answer, however, hoy enough 3's, 5's, 6's and so on around until a lucky 4 can land. This could easily be the case with Abraham. Be interesting to be a fly on the wall in Charnley's office when he's pissing himself at the stories when he hasn't even bid for anyone but Lejeune.
  19. Sir Toon


    http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/1/590x/secondary/Theresa-May-David-Cameron-EU-Referendum-Brexit-Vote-Leave-immigration-567238.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/04/09/article-2306398-19332643000005DC-743_306x423.jpg also. Hills Have Eyes Bloke http://1tvs492zptzq380hni2k8x8p.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Riberyeyegouge.jpg
  20. As has been mentioned somewhere, in order for the club to look in a certain state at a particular time, it seems fairly obvious that cash wont be spent until the new season year which runs from July 1st - June 30th. Maybe this is to make the books look better for any eventual sale or not, im not sure how it works. For example, spending the alleged 'every penny from promotion etc'. When is that factored in? The championship season as it stands saw us expect to break even with the £30m or so turnover drop wiped out by the transfer dealings, a spend of an alleged budget of £70m in this financial period (1st July 2016 - 30th June 2017) would show on the books as a massive loss for the year would it not? Just waiting until a period where guaranteed monies will hide or wipe out what could be classed as a loss one week but not noticed the next just makes better financial sense in regards to the book value but obviously pointless in our eyes as the every day supporter. Fuck me, I know what I think I mean but I dont think ive explained properly. Basically I think things will start to click from this weekend on.
  21. Although I don't think Stevie T brought a case against anyone mind.
  22. Means they'll either have to shell out on safety netting or be getting hit with lawsuits every week when their strikers smack the ball off the mentally unaware.
  23. Dont even know why our transfer record is such an issue now. I remember back in the day when our record was John Trewick for 250k in what seemed ages until we paid around £400k for Paul Goddard. Then again, 12 years and for Ashley not to trump it is just final proof as to reasons why any eventual new owner is progression.
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