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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. A complex of four buildings, two being more student accommodation. A hotel, and 50 residential apartments. 24 story tower block, you'll able to look right over the top of the Gallowgate and down onto the centre circle at that height.
  2. Seen the front page of the Journal? 24 story tower block development being proposed for the St James metro site.
  3. Is the new training ground etc still due to commence building this summer?
  4. Aye, stick Obertan in defence and Anita in goal and I reckon you're onto a winner there. Alright smart arse, give yourself a clap.
  5. Id like to see Abeid and Colback in the middle, with Cabella left and Sissoko on the right. Sissoko cutting in and switching with Colback.
  6. Don't know if this has been posted but just read started 7 games this season of which we've won 6, and drawn one. Including Liverpool and City.
  7. NUFC_Chris


    Wishful thinking me thinks.
  8. I said at the time and say it again. It will all go pear shaped at Palace. Sooner or later just needed to be patient after the initial bounce.
  9. Great header. 1-1 Everton have been the better team imo.
  10. Does anyone know when they start taking direct debits for next season? Is it March 1st?
  11. It's not the club it's the owner that is the problem. Like I say, things will change. Ashley and his cronies won't be here for ever. Cancel your season ticket, fine; don't spend any money on merchandise, fine. But people should still be proud to be a supporter of a fantastic football club.
  12. Geordie kids should still be brought up supporting the black'n'white regardless of the clubs present status/owner. One thing that is certain is things WILL change in their lifetimes. I suggest brain washing them from an early age.
  13. I mean how far back do you want to take it? I suppose we should just be happy the club was formed in 1892 and be f***ing thankful for it eh?
  14. You mean like when we got outbid by Norwich and wouldn't cough up £140K for Steve Bruce (he wanted to come) and sold every player who was any good for washers, and we watched Graham Oates and Wayne Ferreday etc. etc. those times were better than now ? yes ? No. But neither are they like when Keegan or Sir Bobby were in charge, or even as good as when Sounness or Glen Roeder were here ffs. All I'm saying is the club doesn't have the profile it did even in the early 00's.
  15. As a business, financially and as a going concern it is, in terms of football and how the sporting side of the club is being managed it isn't. The profits the club make are not reinvested, it seems to disappear in Ashley's/Sports Direct's coffers, the same as all club shop turnover does. We've lost the ability to find our own corporate partners, we receive nothing in terms of sponsorship from Sports Direct so are straight away selling ourselves short. The fact is NUFC, and soon Rangers also, are vehicles for Mike Ashley to make money and little else.
  16. Ah OK. I was there but sat in the hull end and just wondered if he was there to listen to the fat cockney bastard chants.
  17. NUFC_Chris

    John Carver

    Tbh I think McLaren would be an improvement on Pardew, but can't say I'd be thrilled at the appointment either. Who of De Boer, Garde, Galtier etc would accept having no control of transfers? They'd surely want final say. I don't have a problem with the trio of Charnley, Carver and whoever the head coach is working on things together but the manager has to final say. He's after all the one who picks the side and will set the clubs footballing philosophy going forward according to Charnley himself. It just doesn't make sense!
  18. Won't be an easy game, and we are fucking woeful in defence tbf. I'd be dumb struck if we kept a clean sheet.
  19. Gutted if we did just fob him off like the time wasting cunts Charnley, Ashley & co are.
  20. I think it's pointless reading papers, they're just piecing together clues like the rest of us.
  21. If Charnley's talking, we ain't getting an appointment soon.
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