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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. PL has caused the mess by introducing clearly anti competitive rules, now the whole lot could come tumbling down. PL should stick to organising competitions and not involve themselves in clubs commercial activities, some might not be happy with that and a legal challenge will give definitive rulings within Competition Law.
  2. Well City’s owners didn’t jump into multi club ownership in the first 3 years of taking over, that strategy evolved over a longer period of time and these RPT/FMV rules have only been in place since late 2021. Looks like we’ve played a very canny subtle game here.
  3. After our takeover at a PL meeting when they voted for FMV they were warned that such rules were illegal by the club. City at the time abstained however clearly they aren’t prepared to any longer as the rule has become more onerous.
  4. RTG is fewmin about Tonali’s punishment
  5. “Could still see Newcastle move from SJP” bit ambiguous ?‍♂️ Mind I couldn’t read the full article, behind paywall.
  6. https://x.com/nufc/status/1786015990234349720?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ Nominated POTM in PL2
  7. There’s a Spirit of 73 parody account on Twitter which was winding the mackems up about downsizing….might be the same one. https://x.com/spiritsofthe37/status/1785992875878064151?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
  8. I thought players in the last year of their contracts could talk to other clubs in the final 6 month?
  9. PFA monitoring impact on player wages. https://x.com/SkySportsNews/status/1784953338913579150
  10. I think the argument in any legal challenge on an anti competitive rules or practises could be as simple as governing bodies should organise competitions and not involve themselves in clubs financial activities and that includes UEFA. As I’ve said before a Court ruling in the UK and Germany forced FIFA and the PL to end plans to cap agents fees and that was on an anti competitive basis.
  11. If it was voted in at least 5 of the big 6 have called it anti competitive and could resort to legal action!! The fucking neck of these twats knows no bounds.
  12. Clubs who are significantly impacted by PSR etc have dithered about taking legal action on the grounds of rules being anti competitive, I bet if this is introduced and the cartel clubs spending is capped they’ll resort to a legal challenge at a CAT without hesitation.
  13. PFA could also challenge any wage cap, football agents have already won a legal challenge at capping their fees.
  14. FA Cup draw against us broke them, they’ve never been the same since…………wonderful!!
  15. Same here, none of us do Froggy, however he has the right to take legal action if he feels his employer is acting unlawfully by holding him to his contract.
  16. Yes you can……..if he feels that Newcastle are acting unlawfully by holding him to his contract,or being treated unfairly he has a right, this is an employment dispute. https://www.gov.uk/courts-tribunals/employment-tribunal
  17. Ashworth has every right to go to an Employment Tribunal if he feels that his employer is being unfair or breaking employment law, that is exactly the place he should take it to.
  18. Hew has a contract with Newcastle, an Employment Tribunal is the judicial body to resolve the matter, not some wish washy arbitrators.
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