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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. We’re nearly at the end of the first week of City’s arbitration case and no leaks so far. I wonder if that’s due to the case not going well for the PL or that all the journo’s have been warned off?
  2. Discussion re Bruno……makes sense, lets hope case goes on a bit longer, past June.
  3. I’ll bet there’s a fair few on here bought the new Adidas shirts since Friday, how many stopped and thought about where they’ve made, Trax Apparell in Cambodia more than likely. I’d bet the working conditions, wages, rights aren’t to clever? Fuck it bin Adidas off.
  4. I wonder when The Athletic are going to do an article on Liverpool’s main sponsor Standard Chartered Bank?
  5. Martin Samuels……not behind a paywall. https://www.thetimes.com/article/3a6ccd55-8e87-4bf9-b3c9-ac088b7870bb?shareToken=415fc791a8d1be513442df9495e35aa6
  6. Darren Eales and the club are playing a blinder in garnering support through very clever strategy.
  7. UEFA’s rules can also be challenged in CJEU as being anti competitive 🤷🏼‍♂️
  8. If they fuck off I’d love a gulf state to sponsor the PL for silly money, they’d beg to be back in
  9. Villa owner possibly challenging PSR. https://archive.ph/p40lU#selection-1583.0-1587.115
  10. It’s confidential………..I’m eagerly waiting for the first leaks!
  11. The make up of the panel is one arbitrator nominated by the PL, one by City and one independent. All will be experienced lawyers who when considering their decision will have to take into account UK Competition Law.
  12. There’ll be the inevitable leaks, always is but transparency has to be the way to go to avoid suspicion etc.
  13. A much more balanced and fair article than the hysterical rants of Delaney, Liew and Lawton re APT and City’s arbitration. https://amp.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/08/manchester-city-premier-league-legal-case
  14. The PL don’t want any sponsorship from the Gulf region if the truth be told. If Sela want to sponsor Newcastle’s shirt front for £60 million a season, so what. Governing bodies should not be involving themselves in any clubs commercial activities if the monies are legal and there is transparency and recorded in the company accounts.
  15. And you know that how? You don’t know what owners like the Glazers, Bohely and even FSG are up to or their links and contacts with US business who sponsor teams in the PL. That’s why it should be scrutinised and scrutinised to the same level as Gulf sponsorship for transparency.
  16. When parents go out and pay £80 to a £100 for a pair of Nike trainers for their kids I guess they’ll pay £60 for a strip for their kids, expensive yes, but thats the world we live in.
  17. Will all the deals with US companies of American owned clubs in the PL suffer the same levels of scrutiny? I doubt it therefore discriminatory.
  18. I guess what they’re concerned about is when their current sponsorship deals with Abu Dhabi run out and they have to re-negotiate future deals, that’s when the new uncompetitive APT rules will bite.
  19. PL officials and former officials have had to hand over all mobile phones and emails in relation to City’s 115 charges. Wonder what they find!! https://www.thetimes.com/sport/football/article/man-city-hearing-charges-premier-league-apt-rules-sqbqsj6wc
  20. Sure i read somewhere there’s was £15 million a year………don’t quote me though.
  21. Well the yanks couldn’t ignore them and they’ve always seen golf as one of their major sports…despite the history of the game.
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