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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. Given that the club has launched legal action I’m sure that they will have evidence that’s pretty damning.
  2. Files deleted on computers can also be retrieved, especially if forensic IT specialists are involved, whether they will be?‍♂️
  3. Staying put, I doubt their new owner will invest much while they’re in L1
  4. Let’s hope it’s a knockout blow then.
  5. I hope these fuckers get dumped in the play off semi’s, league one for a fourth year would be tremendous.
  6. Arbitration doesn’t have the teeth a tribunal has and can make legally binding decisions. The arbitration panel appears to have been stacked against the club.
  7. Could Saudi companies, Saudi Airlines, Aramco etc do sponsorship deals with the club? It could certainly be a lucrative source of income for the club whilst all the litigation is proceeding allowing them to invest in the squad. Just a thought.
  8. @Shays Given Tim Flowershas posted that the PL could well refuse to disclose documents, I’m unclear what would happen if they did refuse to disclose.
  9. So, whatever evidence the club put forward the burden of proof isn’t as high to show the PL broke anti competition law?
  10. Given this isn’t a criminal case surely it’s “on the balance of probability” rather than beyond reasonable doubt. Mind I’m no lawyer so I could be wrong.
  11. If the Saudi did buy Manu they’d still have to pass the O&D test, if it went through without a hitch I’d presume Ashley would have the PL in court as quick as fuck.
  12. Larry Lamb as Johan Kebab…..ok I’ll get my coat.
  13. I’ve been totally irresponsible ?
  14. JV1= Joint Venture 1 RB Sports= Reuben Brothers Sports as far as I understand.
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