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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Defended bloody well. Used the ball bloody well. Pretty much a perfect performance.
  2. I like how taking the piss out of the thing he really likes is seen as a good thing for Bradley.
  3. I should think the double standards would be yuge
  4. Winning the War on Corner Flags.
  5. Because people love getting all foamy about what you can and can't say. If the article was framed manager and journalist share a laugh over unfunny joke then nobody would care. Similarly if this was the response people had to these stories they wouldn't appear half as near as much.
  6. So he's basically joked that he might slap someone? I do wonder whether the cult of political correctness gone mad recognises that their ott 'you can't even say that anymore' protestations actually result in these things becoming stories.
  7. Just remembered Yorkie's description of him as a 'loaf of bread with lips'
  8. I wonder who won him the two league titles in Spain with a club that wasn't one of the big 2? He didn't win it once which you could put down as a fluke but you don't usually fluke your way to two titles. I guess he could have treated the league season as a cup competition though. Won it with 70 something points twice. 1 of them Deportivo finished 2nd. Neither were flukes. But it just goes to show the best seasons in his career - his team still dropped a lot of points. He regularly got similar amount of points at Liverpool but that wasn't enough to win league titles. His best ever season in terms of points was at Liverpool which they lost against a very strong Man Utd side. Again you would say being too defensive at home cost them the league. Too many home draws. It's a pattern in his career. He's a fine manager but his teams have never dominated a league. Is there a manager who dominates a league ready to take the job? I'm not advocating that we can do better. I'm saying - rafa making harder work of this league than we might have imagined isn't an indication he's not still a top manager or we should be worried long-term. It's actually consistent in his career. It's not his style to steamroller any division. Another Championship manager could do a better job in this division imo. But medium/long term? He's the best man for sure. Another championship manager like Steve Bruce? Or Alex Neil? Norwich and Villa fans would happily swap places with you right now. At the season's start, I thought Norwich had a stronger side than you and were better suited to the Champo, fwiw. But really, who? Gary Monk? I think some of you forget how on your arse you were when you went down and how downright godawful, p*ss-stinking, laughing-stock s*** you've been for more than a decade. And that's not even considering the off the field fuckery. You could easily be where Villa are now, with 30,000 every week moaning their arse off, in absolute pieces. In fact I'll stick my neck out and say that if you hadn't got Rafa, and if he hadn't got you a couple of good players like Clark and Ritchie and others, you'd be absolutely Freddie f***ed right now.
  9. Wonder how he feels about gay, fat, black dwarves?
  10. Ciaran Clark, pretty much John Bull when it comes to quintessentially English names.
  11. He will always have us 'in the game' in the Premier League. Can't see us being rolled over by too many teams at all.
  12. Won't be Greggs or Ginsters. Gregg's heir has just been found guilty of molesting young boys.
  13. Goal difference of +5 in the 5th Season
  14. We'd recently played both Cardiff and Barnsley at home and scored 11 in those two games.
  15. It was 9 points. But we were 8 above 2nd with a game in hand on them.
  16. From the promotion thread. It would seem there is a certain amount of nostalgia affecting opinions of our performance this season when weighted against our Championship side under Hughton.
  17. Last relegation season we were top of the league after 35 games. We had 73 points with a GD of +40 Having scored 66 and conceded 26. After 34 games this season we are top of the league. We have 73 points with a GD of +38 having scored 66 and conceded 28. So a loss at Huddersfield would see our points total the same as at the corresponding time in the last championship season.
  18. We were one point worse off (72) at this stage last time.
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