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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Odds checker back up. McClaren at sixes and Garde still the favourite at 6/4 and 2's
  2. Pardew ingrained this idea of committing at most 2 people to an attack.
  3. Aye, he played for both your teams, didn't he? I remember when he first came back with Villa and we gave him Degs Abuse and he was hauled off before half time in a right strop. He still loves us tho. http://s14.postimg.org/v18kxb1o1/degs.png
  4. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00710/sport-graphics-2007_710953a.jpg
  5. Fucking hell its like Pardew all over again. It's plain as fucking day he shouldn't be considered.
  6. You placed above us for the last time in 2002-2003. http://i664.photobucket.com/albums/vv3/peachy-chan-/sadpanda.png
  7. Preferably we like to sell them toward the last day of the window.
  8. You can't guarantee the right decision gets made when you use a lay Jury to establish Guilt. Any system that relies on human interpretation can obviously make an error. Mojo said that the Judge encouraged the Jury to convict. That is simply untrue. The Jury may well have reached the wrong decision, it can happen, however they were sat in Court listening to the evidence and properly directed as to how they must convict or acquit.
  9. It's blase in the extreme to suggest there is something majorly wrong with his conviction. For God's sake the Criminal Justice System, whilst not perfect is one of the most respected in the World. He has already been to the Court of Appeal and was refused leave to appeal before the full Court, the process that lead to him being convicted was fine.
  10. Makes no sense as NUFC coach will have zero input with regards to transfers in or out. No reason at all why players shouldn't be brought in as things stand. (or sold for that matter) It's a convenient justification for doing bugger all.
  11. It's never been more complicated than that.
  12. Very good club servant whilst he was here. Can't help but hold him in high regard for how he conducted himself when his Father died.
  13. I think he pissed away most of his sympathy and credit at Southampton.
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