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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. They are just trying to drive a story I suspect. It's not like they are actually reporting anything substantial.
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: fucking hell man
  3. Exactly. They didn't deny it was happening, and SSN say they don't expect any holdups. http://media3.giphy.com/media/XjEvy8X8XB6Yo/200.gif
  4. http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg164/pasvn6/MLK-grave-edit.jpg
  5. http://media1.giphy.com/media/d86kftzaeizO8/200.gif
  6. http://media.giphy.com/media/1zSiX3p2XEZpe/giphy.gif
  7. http://cdn.niketalk.com/c/c9/c982b9f3_jim-o.gif
  8. Ashley knew Kinnear personally. Llambias recommended Pardew because he knew him. Could be anybody but I don't think the above is particularly conclusive of anything.
  9. It wasn't funny then. It isn't funny now.
  10. I think that's been a factor. Which won't be an encouragement for other managers to join us, if they have other decent options. I think the only people worried about such things will be equally shit managers.
  11. Wow. This is funny, but this might be why it doesn't happen. The man who left bonuses for non-playing staff in the hands of............ the playing staff.
  12. Those Palace fuckers thinking he has signed all of our good players.
  13. And for Cisse finding his scoring boots.
  14. I think you can. But not about the future, imho One cunt down x remaining. At least we will be working through the cunts.
  15. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/lol-duck.gif http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/804/850/999.gif
  16. Who interestingly left his job this weekend.....
  17. might be too early for this. If NUFC support has taught me anything it's that we will probably get relegated and Pardew's palace will stay up at our expense on the last game of the season.
  18. Course, but I'll still find a way to wipe my arse with his face. Good grief.
  19. I think that the anti-Pardew protests really got to him, but he wanted a pay out. Ashley isn't bothered either way, and has played the waiting game to avoid paying him compo. This works well for both parties. I think Pardew is probably worried about his name being dragged through the mud again when things go wrong. He can go to Palace, either stay up in which case he is their hero or he get's relegated and nobody says it was his fault. However still refuse to accept that this might happen.
  20. Tompkins in the sunday times. Devoted a fair bit of space to it.
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