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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Anyone think he's more likely to resign than be sacked? Can imagine him getting a lot of abuse at the Crowd and Ashley just being like, well you got yourself into this mess.
  2. When I saw him play for the England youth sides a few years ago his touch was excellent, not sure what happened Yeah this, it seems absurd that he is apparently now so poor (not disputing others observations). Wonder what happened.
  3. In the wise words of Kilroy. A star player is injured for months, just after you sold Hatem Ben Arfa. Oh dear.
  4. Imagine being rich and dressing like that.
  5. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Lubomir+Satka
  6. Most of the time we have under pressure managers too
  7. GRRRRR!!!!! That man does my fukin nonce in so he does!!! The "pardew" way. Play for the nil-nil and hope for that 'one bit of quality' cos that's what's needed to unlock Crystal f**kin' palace's defence!! Rushing a player in early is the hallmark of the under pressure manager.
  8. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/07/31/article-1203445-05E7EF03000005DC-452_468x556.jpg
  9. Maybe his wage demands stopped him from getting a move apparently one of the highest earners at the club.
  10. I don't think he has been banished to Argentina. I suspect his being there is a request he has made.
  11. What is the right set of players for Pardew? The guy isn't a Premier League level manager, end of.
  12. Lovenkrands was a good servant to the club and an important player at times Article doesn't really say much, sounds like he just watched the Palace game.
  13. http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-02/enhanced/webdr06/5/12/anigif_enhanced-28199-1391621208-8.gif Ideally.
  14. I love news like this. He's also shit when he's under pressure. He's also shit when he's not under pressure. Ugh he's such a cunt. Hopefully those in attendance will recognise he's on the brink and give him degs abuse.
  15. With Bruce there would at least be some fun days.
  16. Do you remember when we sent Krul up for a corner, then took it short and failed to get the cross in?
  17. Literally the only thing I have found funny during this all.
  18. This thread tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKpQB3bEPbI
  19. We should all buy Champagne or some special booze for when Pardew fucks off. Have an N-O party.
  20. why would he reject it? its this or no football for a season as clearly the hierarchy wants rid of him too So much for wanting to stay and fight or whatever then.. eh this is so not the question that needs to be asked.
  21. He's worth it though, as a footballer. He was doing perfectly fine here until he got dropped for not tracking back. I think people have too easily forgotten that he started off on fire last season, it's not like he's been a problem for absolutely ages. People have been systematically lied to by the club. Club writes it's own truth.
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