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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Im going to sit in Lil Lightnin' that the Simpsons built and remember for one brief moment, I had a club.
  2. Brainless, completely brainless. Don't know why I bolded a part, none of it holds up to scrutiny.
  3. 01/09/2014 America finally loses the Cold War.
  4. I think it's a case of before too long we won't have enough points on the board to justify keeping him at the club. The talent that has previously been at the club to bail him out isn't there any more. He's fucked, sadly we may be too.
  5. Honestly, to me it seems like he's still got allies and there will be a push to load the team with "Pardew players". I'm not convinced he's good enough to be around for the next window. So unless we load the team with them in 7 1/2 hours I think his own incompetence makes the next few months the endgame.
  6. Yeah, but the new players need time to gel. Reserve judgement till 10 games. FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF - Can't even do fucking insincere sarcastic anymore. We're toxic mate, absolutely fucking toxic.
  7. All the club does at the moment is make me angry and bring me down
  8. The amount of money in football meaning that there is no viable option for Fan Ownership.
  9. This story is taking on a new lease of life. It's gone past being just about Ben Arfa and is actually strong evidence of the club yet again lying to fans. We've known this for ages but it's good that it's bringing this issue to the fore again.
  10. One of the comments on that chronicle Article is a fan saying they'd rather Lennon over Moyes. :lol: Some fucking helmets out there.
  11. None. I think Pardew's a s*** manager, too and yeah I wouldn't be sad if he was sacked in the morning, but that doesn't mean I want my favourite club to lose, I still hope and pray they win no matter what. As a foreign fan I spend good money and make a decent effort to see Newcastle play at least three time every season but I dont go over willing them to f***ing lose I want to see them win no matter the circumstances. Guess who does want to us to lose though the Mackems. Go urge us to lose if you like but have fun knowing you're on the same side as them wanting to same the same thing result wise. Nee offence mate, but you're an embarrassment. No wanting the team your supposed to support to lose is f***ing embarrassing. Havn't seen this from any other club's "supporters" no matter how bad it got for them. Shocking. As if you've ever even looked.
  12. He also cares about the manager being an obedient lap dog. I think his number one concern for any managerial appointment is obedience.
  13. Commentator. 'Williamson always a threat.......he's actually never scored' Yep that's right our target at all set pieces is a guy who has never scored for us. We used to have Shearer ffs
  14. To even pick up the phone to Kineear, mind you after KK walked saying he was sick of Ahsley selling his players, I'm not sure who would have taken the job on. For me, I have zero faith in Ashley going out and picking up a young forward thinking manager or an expierniced old head. He has the club where he wants it. Why change it? Minimal outlay / maintain league status - Pardew delivers this. I was talking about any future potential appointment Ashley makes. I'm not saying anything remotely positive about the Kinnear appointment. It was a panicked and terrible decision. I just think the circumstances now are a lot more different to the circumstances that led to the appointment of Kinnear.
  15. It's doubling down on stupid. Not only could he end up being decent but what are we left with?
  16. I also think its easy to place too much emphasis on Kinnear. The club was in free fall and I think he was a desperate measure. I don't think there was ever a long term plan for Joe at the club. I know there was all that contract talk but I think that was just Ashley trying to help Kinnear back into work.
  17. I'm sorry but you simply have to say with hindsight that the Hughton appointment was a success.
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