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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. p*ss off Ian. Once again great 3 word post, Dave. I understand why people may be anxious but I think it's reasonable to judge our progress at the end of the window.
  2. One of the most damning aspects of Ashley's tenure is to fans perspectives of where this club should be, and what this club ought to be capable of. Whole thing stinks.
  3. No one in the Media over here would be saying shit about Van Gaal if he hadn't been made manager of Man United. Holland are in the Semi-Finals though and he deserves credit for that.
  4. Happy for him, hated that gamesmanship though. That's just me and I don't really want to re-ignite a debate, not least because I seem to be in the minority.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3KhaUdJamo Colombian Anthem.
  6. Just do what you want to do. That's why I've got nee mates though. People who don't respect the decisions you make aren't true friends.
  7. If he is a Cabaye replacement it is another indication that Pardew hasn't got a formation or plan figured out yet. Spose he's still bedding in.
  8. f***ing put a small stake on Germany to win after the 90. f***ing paddy power glitchy betslip didnt put the bet on despite me pressing ok.
  9. As an alternative, I'm pretty sure the Kurdish Premier League isn't officially part of FIFA yet, either. Apparently Liverpool were balkan at the offer.
  10. But we are talking in the context of football so you've imparted these observations onto entire continents yourself. It was a tongue-in-cheek reference to a few tongue-in-cheek posts. Check back over the posts and remove the log from your anus please :'(
  11. But we are talking in the context of football so you've imparted these observations onto entire continents yourself.
  12. Well before the World Cup only South Americans tried to cheat or it was much less common in England. But by going by the English national team and their pathetic diving attempts against Uruguay that ain't true now is it? To be fair I think former Colonies have a legacy of cheating because it was always seen as fair game to get one over their Imperial occupiers. Culturally it's ok to bend the rules to your favour because authority was imposed against the will of Natives.
  13. Probably makes sense to distinguish footballers and FA staff from the general population of any place.
  14. 'West Auckland officials are also convinced that the planned pre-match exchange of gifts was put back to halftime because Juventus had brought nothing to the occasion. In the event, they received a blank plaque and two books on Italian flowers.'
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