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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. what? They're time wasting with 10 minutes to go. how dare they It's hardly like it's the final.
  2. Sounds like the Empire in Star Wars. Don't agree with us? We'll fucking smash you.
  3. If there's one thing FIFA respond well to, it's the English Media.
  4. You missed the point, it wasn't about the crime he was mentioned, it was about signing a controversial player who has known to be trouble in the past. You have to accept what comes with these players and not bitch about being hard-done by when they show their true colours again. Ah I see
  5. When Suarez has been dealt by the FA he's been hit harder than Barton despite Barton clearly doing terrible stuff. When Terry (with clear evidence!!) was charged for racism he got less than Suarez as well. There's no consistency. Relevance? Both were banned for racist remarks. How is that inconsistent? If you take the time to read the Suarez judgement you can see the rationale behind the longer ban. The length of ban for Terry was determined by it being a single incident. There is a difference between consistency and uniformity.
  6. First time he was charged with a racist remark he was given 8 games, first time Terry did it he was given 4games. Defoe was given a yellow for his bite while Suarez got 10 for his bite. There's just no consistency in football, like I said I'm all for this punishment if it actually led somewhere when other players did things as bad. I just think that limiting him from training with his team or going to watch a game is ridiculous. I don't think the amount of games per se is ridiculous. If only they had a hearing to determine the appropriate level of a punishment based on I don't know, evidence. Also FIFA is not the FA.
  7. The shit being peddled for Suarez. Comparable examples would be players who have done the same piece of violent conduct three times (beyond the ambit or foresight of the rules of the game at that) with the final example being during the biggest sporting spectacle in the world. Joey Barton has no place in this conversation. For a start he was dealt with by the UK Criminal Justice System and the Football Association of England and Wales. Fifa gets something right and people still hen peck.
  8. Rattled. Indeed. I've let them get inside my head. To be fair the posters on here just contribute to that negative stereotype though. Certainly I should think for most English posters you are the only representation of American Soccer Fans they have encountered. You, kind sir, may go f*** yourself vigorously in the anus. I kid, I'm a big fan of the way the tournament has been embraced over there for what it's worth. Because of here USMNT is pretty much my second team this tournament.
  9. Jesus imagine Shearer in today's market.
  10. Rattled. Indeed. I've let them get inside my head. To be fair the posters on here just contribute to that negative stereotype though. Certainly I should think for most English posters you are the only representation of American Soccer Fans they have encountered.
  11. Wonga's dirtiest trick is using a business to further usury. These activities are hardly surprising.
  12. A company that symbolises the unsavoury traits of man. Most big companies are far from perfect but distill Wonga's business model down to it's essence and it's grotesque in a way few other businesses are. #falsenine #fauxrage
  13. Seems impossible to believe. It's just not how football works and Man City are a well run club.
  14. Wright to be fair. There is a great documentary where he talks about his childhood and path to football, it's really very touching in places.
  15. if loving her is wrong I don't want to be reich Superb.
  16. We weren't terrible but we weren't good enough. Showed some promise but for an event that occurs once every four years that doesn't cut the mustard.
  17. Cocks sake. I'm saying I don't think we end up with Ben Arfa here if we didn't have Carr. Already said it's not about scouting in the traditional sense with him. Fucking pointless conversation anyway. Carr is a part of the system, you can only judge him on what he has done under the system here. Fuck knows what systems have been in place at other clubs so there's little mileage in using that as a comparison.
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