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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Seriously though, I'd much prefer a proactive rather than reactive approach to the issue. Cheating should have no place in the game. Anything that encourages it or accepts it is wrong. Secondly, I am loath to have you tell me on the one hand that it's a situation a Newcastle fan hasn't been in, whilst on the other telling me exactly how I and others would react in that situation.
  2. I'd say it was more the reaction that followed that made him an arsehole in that situation. Still, the World Cup will be worse off without him. Yeah the reaction of leaving the pitch basically in tears until Gyan missed the penalty. I'm sorry, but had it been Cabaye, Ben Arfa, Sissoko, Alan Shearer everyone on here would be applauding it. Hypocritical as f***. (not aimed at you btw) I'm sorry but it would taint any success we went on to achieve for me. The game must always be bigger than the prize.
  3. We attacked what the cups stand for.
  4. Deliberately cheated. Anyone who says that's ok is missing the point of sport. Also if your using that logic Solskjaer did 'nothing wrong' in scything down Rob Lee. He was suitably punished, Solskjaer wasn't. Fine, but since when has a suitable punishment meant that someone did 'nowt wrong'?
  5. Deliberately cheated. Anyone who says that's ok is missing the point of sport. Also if your using that logic Solskjaer did 'nothing wrong' in scything down Rob Lee.
  6. You started taking your meds and he just disappeared.
  7. If you're one of the people that thinks it doesn't matter who we sign, we could sign Messi, and Pardew would still make him s***, then what do you possibly have to add to the conversation? Every single signing you're going to chime in and say the same s****. It's boring. If you want to give us a few reasons why this lad has a bright future here we'd be all ears. Otherwise you're just moaning about people moaning and it's very Inochi. FYP
  8. You've bought Remy Cabella to create goals, but your striker is Kenwyne Jones. Oh dear.
  9. We had a group of players that was capable of beating anyone. To have progressed as little as we have in the cups is shameful.
  10. Shearer's quote just reminded me of this
  11. Gold and Sullivan bought West Ham to sell the club once they got the Olympic Stadium allegedly.
  12. Don't think he was aiming that at you Yorkie.
  13. Just embarrassing man. Can you imagine an Arsene Wenger letting his number 2 come out with such bollocks. You're a f***ing grown man for gods sakes. Chair throwing and punching peoples heads? Moron. About as likely as Wenger nutting someone.
  14. Not that good anymore? Why? He is a brilliant club manager, especially for a youngish squad that needs to be rebuilt. Never a NT manager in a million years though.. Relatively speaking in the context of top managers. Unless I'm missing something.
  15. Not that good any more and not likeable. Fits.
  16. #fret Nice. We are completely fucked.
  17. I feel like im walking on eggshells posting in this thread.
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