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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Meh, he mentioned it last Saturday.
  2. A good friend of mine is a big Everton fan. Said somebody had tweeted him 'inbox me your number now unless you want your career to be over shortly, you know what its about.' It got deleted pretty quickly, he's rumoured to be a fan of Peruvian marching powder. Sorry for bringing Barkley into Gozza's thread.
  3. This is what my Everton supporting mate said the other day too Neil as you're around have you heard about Barkley being threatened on Twitter?
  4. We seem to be a test case for this hypothesis.
  5. Tevez Tevez channelling some Silvio Dante right there.
  6. Be interested to see the wage bill of that team they lost the cup final to.
  7. This seems to be very lost as a concept on people who say Pardew isn't at fault. Which is ironic as fucking Alan Pardew fluked his way to fifth.
  8. Our attempt. http://tstoaddicts.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/otto-bus-on-blocks.jpg?w=450&h=323 http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45378000/jpg/_45378188_bus_macs2.jpg Fortunately Hatem was not hurt.
  9. We had 3 Geordies on by full-time. I bet that's more local players than the bulk of top level clubs in the major leagues. Lazy cliché. Clubs a joke, but you know why that is; not enough Jawdees.
  10. Saying that s*** after that FK. Expecting six losses in a row and you delivered.
  11. When your sole gameplan is containment its great to go in 2 down. Fucking herbert.
  12. At least Clifford would have us playing with some penetration.
  13. Looks like he could be Max Clifford's brother.
  14. The football will be like getting stabbed, the strike is just someone pissing on you whilst you lie on the floor, bleeding to death.
  15. The embodiment of the mediocrity at our club. Just get out.
  16. Tiote is a blunt instrument and a bit of an idiot but he is capable of offering something to the side. He is perfectly capable of recycling possession and of winning the ball. He should never go beyond that though and he needs to be coached to that effect and barracked when he deviates from this. We should be a 4-3-3 side. He would be fine as the deepest of the midfield 3. Fair enough that you like your midfielders to be footballers.
  17. Tiote is on the pitch as a reactionary player i.e there to break up opposition attacks. Not sure he's there to control the midfield, he is a defensive midfielder not a deep lying play maker. He can do an effective job in a functioning, competent side.
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