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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. "Same player, its worrying. Oh its not actually the same player." Classic all black players the same.
  2. We're fucking Mike Ashley's Newcastle, it'll be Carver facetiming him for 90 minutes.
  3. Pls. http://www.rotaryaction.com/images/scarface.jpg
  4. Can they not just play a best of Pards compilation on the touchline. Maybe with a scarecrow.
  5. You mean you'll still be the biggest cunt of a club around for ages.
  6. He's just so, yuck. An embarrassment of a man really.
  7. Speaking of which, would be a good gesture for the club to either give the £100k to charity or put it in the away supporters fund. They did IIRC.
  8. £160,000 down the pisser for nudging someone with his head. What a plank
  9. Yeah, having not won an FA cup in ever, Stevenage, Brighton and Cardiff were all able to rise above that all pervading pressure and knock us out.
  10. I have had sex often enough without wanting to.
  11. Won't be Colo, he can't even control his wife. Sunni there in Saudi Arabia? FYP
  12. Won't be Colo, he can't even control his wife.
  13. What's the point of being confident of beating 3 out of the 4 semi finalists when you can't beat (list the opposition who have knocked us out of the cups). Where does anyone get any confidence from with NUFC?
  14. Dont think for a second I'm saying he wasn't a twat Mick. Overreaction or not he's lucky it hasn't ended up in trouble with the law.
  15. There's an argument to be made that if you look at it from the perspective of each individual player unilaterally consenting to the risk and waiving the right to suit for all reasonably foreseeable football-related injury, as opposed to an implicit agreement among players not to bring suit against each other for what happens during matches, I think you could argue that it applies to managers as well. All of this is debatable and largely pointless in the end, of course. I think a fracas where a manager involved is about as far as it goes. I think anything above a bit of pushing and shoving, or a particularly nasty tackle on the football pitch (i.e. punches, head butts etc) is probably criminal. The fact that such instances aren't always prosecuted blurs the line. Yeah.
  16. It almost certainly wouldn't extend to managers.
  17. Why should somebody who works in football fall into an exception? If I nutted somebody and went to prison I'd lose my job, why should it be different for somebody in football? Somebody who is more likely to be looked upon as a role model than I am. Ok, if you 'nutted' someone like Pardew did you wouldn't go to Prison. Fact. You may not even get community service, as to whether you would lose your job, well that's a matter for your employer. The simple fact is that banning orders were brought in to stop hooliganism and organised fighting at football. They have subsequently been over used. If someone's entire livelihood is dependant on a particular business then it is arguably disproportionate to ban them from football stadiums. Particularly for something as momentary and harmless as Pardew on Meyler. That's not to say their shouldn't be any state imposed sanction on Pardew. Pardew can thank himself very lucky no further action was taken against him. I'm also not the same as saying people should be punished differently for like offences. Just that Courts have a range of sanctions they can impose to ensure that people receive the same level of punishment without necessarily using the exact same sentencing tools.
  18. I wouldn't say they have improved their forward line massively.
  19. See with Norwich I look at the players and think they are doing an alright job (position wise alone) for the squad they have. Hughton seems to have bought some dross though and I suspect they will be stuck with their terrible striking options for a while.
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