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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. It's widely recognised that the guy has piss all input into transfers. Not saying he shouldn't shut his noise about transfers though.
  2. http://i2.cdnds.net/14/06/300x225/soaps-hollyoaks-joe-tracini-dennis-savage_1.jpg Felix Magath http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/2/20/1392904461861/Felix-Magath-011.jpg Joe Tracini
  3. As Binnsy says, it's a case of people being afraid of who would come in to replace him that seems to fuel 'support' for him. Certainly that appears to be the case on here. That said, I have fuck all time for the the 'criticism he gets is way over the top' sympathisers and apologists.
  4. Returning to Dave's should we let Pardew have greater control over signing players question. I think it's telling that Pardew's greatest career success has been at the club where hasn't had much/any say over signings.
  5. And he wouldn't be given anywhere near the amount of money those two have had.
  6. Would you rather a good body with the face of a decomposing hippo?
  7. I know this is how it works, but I have read this whole thread and had a right old chuckle. You wouldn't all be so miserable if you had any idea just how incomprehensibly feeble we have been for months now. We haven't even gt a particularly good away record anymore, either. It's weird Brummie, when I watched your lot play Liverpool you looked like a decent team, with plenty of purpose and attacking intent. Lambert seemed to have set you up to play 1-2's in the channels with a view to getting in behind and playing balls into the box.
  8. Barnes used to bring Porn into the dressing room.
  9. Similar, except I'm nervous as f*** in case Stifler's mam sucks me dad off. Just put Casualty on.
  10. A superb, intelligent, ball playing centre-back.
  11. To be fair to Ruud he had the decency to resign.
  12. I find it really hard to judge the merits of Marveaux's limited involvement during his time here. For all he may be lazy, his contribution last season (in terms of stats) was decent. You couple that with how Pardew has previously kept someone like Anita (who seems like a model pro) out for long stretches and you can't really form a clear picture of what's going on.
  13. It's all getting a bit messy. I said in January that it was starting to look like the job was getting on top of Pardew. The timing of this may well go to that.
  14. Why would I care whether he's good enough for Ashley? He's not good enough for a club of this stature so he'll get called for it. Because he's the man who will employ the next manager and he's been delighted with Pardew, he views him as the best appointment he's made, hence the 8 year deal. He's going to give the job to someone who he hopes can match Pardew's last 3 years, not surpass them. Yeah I get why Ashley's delighted to employ a lickspittle, but I'm a fan so I don't have to agree with it. The reason I have begrudgingly cautioned against strong opposition in the past is because there is very little that Mike Ashley has done or will ever do that I can put any faith in whatsoever. We could mount massive pressure against each and every one of his managerial appointments we disagree with and see a consistently worsening situation similar to the relegation season where we went through 72 managers in 9 months. We could see a far better manager installed, but then I believe that wouldn't last because anyone with any ambition, morals, skill or pride would be at loggerheads with the owner very soon, as we saw with Keggy. Working for Ashley requires a lick-spittle, yes-man, prick willing to tow the line and not rock the boat. Pardew is perfect there. Of course, the whole fear of rocking the boat too much argument, in case of losing points, loses any credence once even the limited expectations placed on the manager cannot be even partially matched. Where's your damn spine gone? What happened to you to make you so afraid of the unknown? It's not unknown. We have 7 years of evidence showing how ashley works with managers. Good and bad. Allardyce - Binned after 6 months KK - walked out after 6 months Joe Kinnear - Ill health Shearer - Never called back after 8 games Hughton - sacked after promotion and a steady start in the prem league Pardew - here forever Hardley a great track record of working with managers. Yeah but we do also have the second longest serving manager in the Premier League. Stat Paradox.
  15. Haha to be fair to Phil he didn't say he liked doing it, just does it outside of being a care-worker.
  16. Isn't that a given. Like putting 'likes to spend time in his house'.
  17. Oh, OK. It wasn't meant as a stick to beat HF with.
  18. People saying you don't know what's gone on but you have to accept a viewpoint. http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/content/images/2007/09/18/bodgerandbadger_1_396x222.jpg Crazy Potatoes.
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