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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. What fucking pleasure will be left at this club soon?
  2. Would I take Hoddle over Pardew, quite possibly. Would I want Glenn Hoddle to be manager, no. Mentalists.
  3. Could be a good appointment as a DOF. Doubt it will happen.
  4. http://media1.giphy.com/media/kO62he2wKw3ra/200_s.gif
  5. Does seem to be a changing of dialogue in the local press. Think Pardew may be heading into his first real bout of pressure here.
  6. http://www.whoateallthepies.tv/keeganDM0609_468x766.jpg Happy Birthday you magnificent man.
  7. To paraphrase Ned Flanders, based on nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all.
  8. Yeah RAWK's pretty humourless. Man, Fuck you.
  9. Great Scott. I think you're missing the point I'm making is all. It's reasonably late and I dont really mean much by it.
  10. Fair enough, but if someone didn't rate Hughton it's hardly the most out-there opinion in the world. Anyway, meh.
  11. Nah, you're being unrealistic there. Fair enough other players deserve to be on the pitch more. I'll agree with you on that.
  12. But he predicted a top half finish! Top 8 finish I'm just not one of these fans who would swap our position for Sunderland's right now because they still have things to play for such as league cup final and a relegation battle. I'm happy to watch Sunderland battling down there and looking like they are losing that battle along with a cup final against the best team in the land. They are probably having an exciting season i suppose but it's not worth the hassle. We had a canny cup run in Europe but it didn't hide away the fact how tragic that relegation battle really was. I want to be nowhere near that thing again. I'm just really not happy with our club to be honest. Our past 10 games paint a bleak picture.
  13. Coming from the bloke who predicted a relegation battle in the summer and how we will be lucky to scrape to safety again Yeah because we were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo convincing last season. Oh wait all those signings we added in the summer! But the person who is apparently is thick as two short planks along with a few others predicted a comfortable top 10 finish. My original prediction was 8th and i'm still happy to stick with that. Southampton are in good form but like every team their poor run will come back along sooner or later and we can still capitalize on that. Don't think it was particularly that hard to look at last season, weigh it up sensibly and come out with the conclusion we aren't a relegation battling side and it may have been a one off. Many just looked at the negatives, thought about the 'excuses' but eventually brushed them off and thought with Pardew, we are doomed to near relegation once again. Hasn’t turned out that way and there was talk of top 6/4 with a good xmas period. Instead we f***ed our chances and are sadly cashing in on mid table mediocrity. We’ve steadied the ship from last season and avoided any relegation talk which is about only positive to take from this season. Hopefully we can kick on over the summer but that’s down to Ashley to do so. Brett I have won on the National a couple of times. I know fuck all about horses.
  14. He's going to need game time to develop his finishing.
  15. That 5th season. Anyone remember our complete no-show against Everton on the last day?
  16. Coming from the bloke who predicted a relegation battle in the summer and how we will be lucky to scrape to safety again Yeah because we were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo convincing last season. Oh wait all those signings we added in the summer!
  17. Next mackem on the board that one Almost as bad as when Ian changed his name to Ian Watkins.
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