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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I.e. you do the necessary work to ensure the signing.
  2. It's the only time supporting the club where I've become almost totally apathetic. The eternal sense of optimism has all but disappeared.
  3. I wouldn't mind but we're Newcastle United for Gods sake.
  4. Far fetched or incompetent. You choose.
  5. As I have said before its either ludicrous bids calculated to fail or just lousy recruitment by incompetent people charged with running the club. What difference does it make? Its the same pointless crap that get's peddled by s*** kickers in the Pardew thread 'oh he's a bad manager but the criticism he gets is way over the top'. Such pointless semantics. Whats important is that the team is managed by a limited manager. The thing that matters is the team that finished 16th in the league last season has sold its best player and it doesn't look like he will be replaced. Wake up.
  6. Unreal how he has made a career out of this. As a centre-forward. If ever anything summed up the hap-hazard, ad hoc mismanagement of Newcastle United its probably the amount of time Ameobi has been here.
  7. Yeah sorry, its good to have a French input and I don't doubt that you're conveying a fair reflection of the situation
  8. Not at all Based on what? Chairmans, coaches, journalists etc.. I mean it is kind of normal because it's all about the "Big Four" in France. Other clubs don't get much attention and Newcastle went from the "Nice club, with great fans, playing good football (when we only had 2 or 3 frenchman in our squad) to the " Greedy club which keeps buying s*** french player in order to avoid relegation" Then why do they keep flogging us their talent!?!?! Cabaye, Debuchy, Sissoko, Remy and Ben Arfa have all had fairly recent involvement in the National Team. Hardly s*** french players. Chairmans and Coaches don't seem too fond of us but I guess that's just like us not being too fond of clubs bigger than ours who buy our players.
  9. Was Sid Barrett his Dad? Fruitcake.
  10. If it weren't for his previous poor performances in the Derby you could almost excuse a poor result on Saturday with the squad looking as it does.
  11. There's an interesting (but ultimately pointless) thought. Re: Pards http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120510221731/unanything/images/8/80/Don't_forget_you're_here_forever.jpg
  12. At the end of the day he probably harbours some sporting ambitions (despite his limited ability as a coach). I guess if he loses his best player and doesn't get him replaced that's going to hurt on some level.
  13. Unlike him to talk so candidly about an incoming deal. Either he's distancing himself from the negotiations so as not to be criticised if nothing happens, or there is a decent chance of signing him.
  14. I think we've got him. Just a strange hunch. Complete lunacy on my end.
  15. They are either pitching deliberately low bids or they are just fucking shit at the job they are supposed to do. Win win.
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