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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Because we don't have a director of football and we didn't copy Joe's contacts from his 3310.
  2. We need an out ball and someone who can make it stick high up the pitch. Lerl.
  3. Given the comparative length of Pardew's tenure is the managers job at NUFC no longer a 'poisoned chalice'?
  4. Swansea fans, even more mental than Brett. I'd have happily swapped Brett for Swansea fans, such is my dislike for fartpoo.
  5. wouldn't rule it out in the summer depending on how Sherwood does for the rest of the season. Thought they were getting Van Gaal.
  6. Swansea actually have a track record of shrewd appointments and astute footballing decisions. Odd.
  7. Mort was a good communicator and a decent PR man. But it was his strategic review of the club that led to the club implementing a structure that had a DOF and, of course, Dennis Wise getting that role. There wasn't really much wrong with that structure in theory. The appointments however were all wrong.
  8. No, first you jump out of the plane...then you check for a parachute. Did no harm when we ended up with Souness. Ok. You jump out of the plane knowing if you jump and you haven't got a parachute you'll die You're point about Souness is churlish. You denigrate from your sensible posts with nonsense like this. It could be that we bring in a better manager, one who is happy to work with Ashley, but who is also happy to slag him off consistently when we have f*** ups like the last transfer window. That's a must to keep the fans happy with him, but he'll also require enough of a twinkle in his eye that Ashley loves him to bits and is happy to take the criticism and such ability that he can play attractive, attacking football against all opponents with Shola Ameobi, Steven Taylor and Mike Williamson as starters. It could be that they start offering blowjobs and bacon butties with every ticket as well. History suggests neither of those are likely and we'll have a t*** of a manager, unsucked cocks and empty bellies as long as we have this t*** of an owner. Stick to graphs. If the team was getting the right results no one would give a toss what he said. His comments are just another stick to beat him with. 'Attacking football against all opponents' I don't think we have to play Shola, Taylor and Williamson against all opponents. The three of them shouldn't have been on the pitch together in the Derby for a start and that's when we are on our bare bones.
  9. No, first you jump out of the plane...then you check for a parachute. Did no harm when we ended up with Souness. Ok. You jump out of the plane knowing if you jump and you haven't got a parachute you'll die You're point about Souness is churlish. You denigrate from your sensible posts with nonsense like this.
  10. Why wouldn't Ashley want to make any signings if he's looking to sell players for a profit? If Kinnear was half competent their where players available to bring in cheap that could then be brought on and sold in the future for profit. So if that's what we believe Ashley's aim is then why would he not want Kinnear to bring anyone in? Kinnear simply failed miserably. Perhaps JK wanted a big chunk of the Cabaye money to pay for his replacement, But MA would only fund a derisory figure. leaving a near impossible challange. JK asked for more- we know hes not shy at coming forward, MA got rid. Seems a plausible sequence of events to me . I know it doesnt fit with, Go and die useless b******, narrative here like. We can speculate all we want. At least the useless b****** is gone and our club is saved from further embarrassment from him.
  11. I don't. Kinnear undermined his position massively and now he's gone. I meant more within himself. Think the job may be starting to get on top of him.
  12. Why does anyone have to be 'next'? Because I think the atmosphere at SJP will become quite toxic over the remainder of the season. TBF we don't know how toxic it has been so far this season. I find it hard to believe that Kinnear's collleagues liked working with him, especially with him being the mate of the owner. I could imagine him giving it large due to that connection. I meant within the ground. I think the team will struggle over the remainder of the season.
  13. Why does anyone have to be 'next'? Because I think the atmosphere at SJP will become quite toxic over the remainder of the season.
  14. He seemed rattled last Friday, Derby was a disaster and if there isn't to be another board appointment who do you think is going to be next in Ashley's sights?
  15. It's funny that a manager who has won the European Cup twice is being mentioned in the same sentence as a manager whose only piece of silverware is the Johnstone's paint trophy. Mourinho would also struggle with a midtable team...or why do you think he never managed one? Maybe Fat Sam was right, give him the Inter or Real job and he'd look like a good manager. Absolutely not my point...but thanks for listening/reading OK, why has he never managed one? Because he's scared of the challenge and would look s***, or because managers rarely choose to go manage Hull when their CV includes Real, Chelsea and Inter? For what it's worth, he earned his stripes taking the rather less glamorous Uniao de Leiria to their highest ever league finish and it was his performance there that helped him get the Porto job, with them sitting behind Leiria in the league at the time. Of course you can prove anything with facts.
  16. It's funny that a manager who has won the European Cup twice is being mentioned in the same sentence as a manager whose only piece of silverware is the Johnstone's paint trophy. Mourinho would also struggle with a midtable team...or why do you think he never managed one? Maybe Fat Sam was right, give him the Inter or Real job and he'd look like a good manager. Absolutely not my point...but thanks for listening/reading Would he win the Johnstone's Paint?
  17. It's funny that a manager who has won the European Cup twice is being mentioned in the same sentence as a manager whose only piece of silverware is the Johnstone's paint trophy. wouldn't want that arrogant t*** to manage NUFC Kudos on the impartiality. I don't like Mourinho either but look at what he's achieved.
  18. It's funny that a manager who has won the European Cup twice is being mentioned in the same sentence as a manager whose only piece of silverware is the Johnstone's paint trophy. Mourinho would also struggle with a midtable team...or why do you think he never managed one? Because he is a good enough manager to get the top jobs? Put Allardyce in Real Madrid and he'd win the league every season tbf.
  19. It's funny that a manager who has won the European Cup twice is being mentioned in the same sentence as a manager whose only piece of silverware is the Johnstone's paint trophy.
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