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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. There's always someone who will post this as we near the end of each transfer window....great stuff, the Ashley Dr Goebbels machine is running perfectly... Also - have you never heard of the saying 'Don't count your chickens..'. We are not at the 31st until Friday so you can't even make this point yet.... Tongue in cheek.
  2. Another reason for apathy to prevail. Impossible to see the good in the deal.
  3. Sunderland were rooted to the bottom of the table.
  4. Poyet has improved you significantly, I just don't see where the goals are going to come from.
  5. Fletcher was looking decent against the mackems.
  6. First Falcao and now this... http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/25868040 Pitbull is doing the world cup song
  7. I'm just glad we haven't lost anyone. Sigh, its the hope that gets you.
  8. One of my favourite Bellamy moments was when Souness subbed him off at Southampton (IIRC he was on a hat-trick). Bellamy just looked at him and said 'What me, you fucking prick'. He tapped into what we all knew about the Souness appointment.
  9. Martinez>Pardew Honestly the pointless shite that gets discussed.
  10. Totally understandable. But people fail to realize we make f*** load of money too. The most money a non-CL team makes from anywhere in Europe. A lot of revenue. It's not Chelsea/City style owner spending. Ever since the Carroll/Downing debacle, it seems like the owners are afraid to surpass the 15M mark for a player. But, top players are expensive for a reason. Well, looks like we'll need an awesome luck with injuries and Suarez/Sturridge to keep their form up for rest of the season to have a chance at maintaining top 4. Really thought this would be the window where we'd make a statement. I was wrong. Bit of a meaningless distinction. That Chelsea city style spending was the way to bridge the gaps between rich clubs and poor clubs.
  11. But think how much worse things would be if you'd lost Salah AND Dunkin' Donuts.
  12. City really ought to outscore them. For all they look good with the ball they don't look like scoring much. Brendan Rodgers Swansea.
  13. If loving luke is jong, I don't wanna be right.
  14. I actually think now the other players are playing well then teams wouldnt be able to mark Hatem out of the game so easily.
  15. He just got doubled up on all the time at the start of the season. Now he's limited to cameos.
  16. Probably playing up to local fans.
  17. Can't wait for this thread to merge with the England Thread.
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