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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Typical broken biscuit deal by NUFC. Take some faith from our earlier pursuit of him.
  2. If PSG really want to be a great club then Cabaye isn't good enough. I think he has been bought as a squad player or because of Blanc. Don't think he will be bad for you though.
  3. Why would you be bothered to post pretty much nothing on another teams board?
  4. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GvW_7fwbrsw/UlbrUaVsU2I/AAAAAAAABOA/aB1MxqSl1qY/s1600/ace%2Bventura%2Bcrying%2Bin%2Bshower.gif
  5. They'll get their money back from Man U/Arsenal in the summer/12 months time. His next move will be for £10m ish. I don't want this to be construed as the board doing a good job. They should have got more, but Im not sure how much more they feasibly could have got.
  6. The Cabaye pursuit only came about because PSG have had some injuries. I have major doubts he's an important part of the PSG puzzle.
  7. Fellaini isn't a decent yard stick. Manchester (sic) got completely mugged off. Why can't we mug a buying club who have bottomless finances and desperately want our star player? 40m they payed for pastore I'm not sure they are that desperate. Fellaini had a hugely inflated price. Liverpool once paid £35m for carroll. I think we could have got more money ideally £25m and that in terms of money (emphasis added) would have been a decent deal for NUFC. The money doesn't even matter anyway.
  8. Fellaini isn't a decent yard stick. Manchester (sic) got completely mugged off.
  9. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/344/f/e/simba_crying_gif__very_sad_moment__by_supersayian5naruto-d6xhkd5.gif
  10. It seems to be best value as opposed to good value.
  11. Looks like Daniel, might be the clouds in my eyes.
  12. PSG will sack Blanc and Cabaye will suffer accordingly.
  13. Even though I know you're joking you cannot imagine how much this has wound me up. Well played.
  14. sorry if that came across as pedantic. I agree with you regarding him being a source of irritation but I don't think that's because he lacks the ability.
  15. I think i've seen every minute of Haidara's appearances and he looks a little shaky defensively, but it's more his age than an ability thing. Age, or even adapting to the league, he's played far less Football for us than Debuchy did before he got himself sorted out. Not saying I know he'll be good, or even better than Santon, just don't see how we can know how good he'd be if he replaced Santon and got bedded in. I don't disagree its a risk either, just talking about comparing them and saying Santon is miles better, don't see how its a fair comparison (not sure how Santon could be miles better than any half competent defender either). are you saying not very good as in he is not better than good or not very good as in bad? Because I see Santon as a competent defender. He's not imperious but to me his flaws lie in consistency and application rather than ability, certainly when it comes to defending.
  16. I would. It would indicate an appetite for growth at the club. Entirely academic, won't happen.
  17. Well, partly, and partly because of length of time since we've been a regular CL club. I don't want it to happen either, but it's not like we're offloading our best players constantly. Probably says more about our best players.
  18. The difficulty is that our policy of doing transfers at good value is not easy to reconcile with replacing a player.
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