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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. The Derby games man :anguish: Interestingly the mirror ran an article today implying that we were right to sack him all along. Who'd have thunk it now he manages West Ham.
  2. What the f***? Staged Funeral for the death of St. James' Park
  3. Andy Cole, his form when he was playing for us was simply blistering. Love Sir Les but as a goal scorer, Cole's time here was next level.
  4. Missed the point, like. Whoever is brought in will get the same insults in due course. People want Pardew sacked and Ashley to appoint someone new and they have confidence whoever is brought in won't be like Hughton/Pardew, he will upgrade now we've got a better squad? I just firmly believe this is nonsense and it will be bargain bucket turd pulled up out of nowhere. Still believe Kinnear is in with a hell of a shout if things go dramatically wrong for Pardew. Haven't forgot about him still hanging around just because he's kept his mouth shut for a few month. Ashley has a habit of making us a laughing stock and i doubt his next appointment will make other teams stand up and take notice for anything other than to laugh their tits off at us. Gods sake man. People are just saying its possible that things could improve. You won't accept anyone speculating things might improve but you are certain when you say things will only get worse or stay the same.
  5. They don't. It's these kind of mistranslations that lead to you drastically missing the point of the debate. Well even have the confidence that Ashley won't further embarrass the club in the spotlight with an appointment like Pardew/Kinnear. It's horrible, man! Wish the fat c*** would just f*** off, he’s the cancer here within us. You can throw all your hate at Pardew all you like but he’s doing the job to the best of his ability which doesn’t account to much but it’s Ashley who brought him in and Ashley pulling the strings on him and everyone falls for it. Day after day it’s Pardew getting thrown all the insults and how things will be so much better when he’s gone. Truth is, it won’t, it really won’t and you’re a fool if you believe it will be. Ashley's got us by the balls and until he goes, this is all we’ve got, the best it will ever get. I didn’t believe it at the time but Ketsbia in my sig was right, and fair play to him for that. It's like he's in day to day control of our (whatever positive adjective you use) playing squad. That coupled with the players being given plenty of grief, Ashley being given plenty of grief. Aye, but whatever.
  6. better than pardew, what a fucking threshold to cross.
  7. As though we haven't shown a decent record for recruitment in other areas. We could easily get a decent manager, its simply paying the going rate. Our recruitment structure is common on the continent. Think Ashley feels very jaded about managers, probably because of the money it cost to sack Allardyce.
  8. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7070/6952122689_b32edc0b00_z.jpg Jelly.
  9. Still think the FA should host an invitational tournament the summer before.
  10. Just came in to post this, great to see someone so high profile come out, just a shame the game is still at a stage where it takes a lot of courage to come out. Aye, it's unfortunate that it's after retirement. (although in the article it says he only realised in the last few years) I suspect a lot of pro's are scared of it jeopardising their careers.
  11. google translates the headline as 'Thomas Hitzlsperger is committed to his homosexuality'
  12. We will have to be seriously up for it to beat them I fear.
  13. On the verge - trying to get over the line - Transfer
  14. Maybe in the Pardew thread. Player threads are oft critical.
  15. He reminds me of Duff. All huff and puff and no end product. He was always on the verge of being a quality player but lacked the extra 10%. As you say it is his end product mainly and I think his attitude isn't the best too. becoming part of N-O's vernacular.
  16. Your posts on Pardew go far beyond someone who challenges the harsh reactions he receives.
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