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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. http://img.pandawhale.com/post-11681-Pointless-Number-of-People-Who-xBDm.gif
  2. "It’s a “broner”. The word I’m looking for. Unintentionally man-inspired boner… broner."
  3. My r is no where near my o, what actually is a broner ? When a man inadvertently gives you an erection. I first heard it in Californication.
  4. Merry Christmas to all on my favourite corner of the internet.
  5. Cue Froggy pissing away all the goodwill he acquired over eating that Chilli.
  6. I noticed at the weekend he has quite a weird gait when running.
  7. You can predict a win no worries, I was talking about which games we can 'expect to win'. You are seriously confusing. You don't expect us to lose at Palace and you don't expect us to win either. Wonder if Pardew's teamtalks are of similar ilk that they turn in different halves most of the time. Think you just need to sharpen up your reasoning faculties marra. I was trying to say that there are no games at the moment where we can say "we should be going down there and rolling these over easily". Predicting a win, or thinking one is likely, is a bit different in my mind. Not sure why that's such a massive issue. Develop some reading skills and read Shay's original post before explaining where 'roll them over' was suggested, marra. Your fault of being contradictory for contrary's sake reveals yourself again. I'm not saying he said that specific phrase, it's just my description of the feeling of expectation. so you've gotten into a tizzy over predicting a win and expecting to win.
  8. I don't think so. He's genuinely naive tactically. He's done enough in his career to suggest that isn't the case. Think it might be getting on top of him a bit in the premier league. But he really hasn't. Going undefeated in the league was a great achievement but the Portuguese especially in that season is pretty weak. He's made some of the same mistakes time & time again. Was it a great achievement or wasn't it? 20 points clear, 13 goals conceeded? And the Europa league was similarly weak of course that season.
  9. That's not what I said, the side Pardew has had for last couple of years is much stronger than Norwich or the side Hughton had in the prem. That side Hughton had in the Premiership came 5th with considerably less spent on it by Pardew than Hughton has spent on his team. Cisse was prolific for Hughton. You what. Pardew still spent less on Hughtons squad than Hughton has spent on Norwich. Either that means (as was being argued) that Hughton had a great leg up in the championship because our team was significantly better than the one that got Norwich up, or... Sorry but I have sat here for 5 minutes trying to figure out what this has to do with anything. It just seems to suggest that Hughton's buys at Norwich haven't been very good. Unlike the deals he did at NUFC, to be fair. Ba, Cisse, and Cabaye were added (Ben Arfa also signed on a permanent and fit again) to the promotion winning side. Hard to link this to Pardew at all.
  10. That's not what I said, the side Pardew has had for last couple of years is much stronger than Norwich or the side Hughton had in the prem. That side Hughton had in the Premiership came 5th with considerably less spent on it by Pardew than Hughton has spent on his team. Cisse was prolific for Hughton. You what.
  11. That's not what I said, the side Pardew has had for last couple of years is much stronger than Norwich or the side Hughton had in the prem. That side Hughton had in the Premiership came 5th under Pardew with considerably less spent on it than Hughton has spent on his team. Cisse was prolific for Hughton.
  12. Allardyce came up with a very strong West Ham side via the play-offs. Complete pony to say it was a God given right to come up as Champions. Particularly given how abject we were the season before.
  13. If we can't expect to win this match is there a match we can expect to win?
  14. I don't think so. He's genuinely naive tactically. He's done enough in his career to suggest that isn't the case. Think it might be getting on top of him a bit in the premier league.
  15. His Chelsea tenure has ultimately allowed people to come to lazy conclusions about his ability.
  16. Wasn't it only the Carroll window in recent history where we haven't bought in Jan?
  17. http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/violin-steve-buscemi.gif
  18. Just got a flashback of last season at Stoke. Yuck.
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/13444173 The one time we did it we fucked it up.
  20. I'd like to see him apply to go Bake Off.
  21. Overhaul ahoy! I reckon Colback will get a new deal if we stay up. Celustka may be signed permanently as well. Gardner possibly be kept if we go down. Bruce will no doubt take a punt on Larsson. The rest I couldn't give a s*** about bar Ki who we have no chance of getting permanently. If we go down and they all go then O'Shea, Cattermole, Fletcher and Mannone could be a decent enough base to build from in that league and just pray that the likes of Mavrias and Ba can fill the gaps Do you think you are likely to go down? Has Poyet impressed you? Not winding you up. Just would be interested to hear your take on things.
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