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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Liverpool are still far richer than most clubs despite the absence of recent success.
  2. Well I disagree that it would be unenforceable but it is your thread and I am loathe to derail it by talking about competition law and such, for numerous reasons. I disagree it is unfair because we are talking about making the game fair. What fans should be bothered about is a fair competition. If this means the worlds best players go to different leagues than our own so be it. The product we watch will be better, because it will be fairer. The game must always be bigger than the prize. The current wage system isn't fine. Money and success are inextricably linked in football. Until there is a fair financial system in place football can't be fixed.
  3. A wage cap and a transfer cap would probably sort out far more in terms of making the game fairer.
  4. Things done changed. Dave, sorry for ruining your Fatwa.
  5. It was from the .com match report for this day in 2008.
  6. Kevin Keegan. Post match comments in his first game back.
  7. "We've got a fantastic owner here. He's not a chairman - he doesn't want that - but he's given us a lot of responsibility and we've got to make sure we encourage him to stay in this for the real long haul. People like him don't turn up at a football club every day of the week and twice on Sundays. He's incredible. He's got no ego. You're used to dealing with egos all over the place in this game, not just with chairmen and owners, but he's very unassuming. If we get this place going, we will have the best owner in this country. But that's an 'if' until we get it going."
  8. The progress that was being made with the football under Keegan (II) was brilliant. That Coventry game was evidence of us having the potential to become a great fluid football team. All academic now, but considering without him we went on to get relegated im loathe to criticise his record during that second spell.
  9. Can't wait for you to get thrown into the abyss you fat fucking waste of space shit cunt.
  10. If we get cabella i'd drop sissoko for him.
  11. Could actually do with some game time..... Even at reserve level. Ben Arfa trying to do too much is 10 x better than Shola trying to do anything. For a start he can hold the ball up and bring people into play. You know, that one thing Shola is supposed to be able to do.
  12. When all is said and done its ridiculous how much game time he has had this season.
  13. Jonas is a shrewd loan for Norwich. He will win free kicks and help to run down the clock in games they are hanging on for points in. He fits the situation they are in very well. Plus it's not like they paid any money. They need to attack teams and give it a go. I love Jonas but the last thing they need is him lumbering around on the wings, not providing for their strikers. Norwich are all huff and no creativity, pace or excitement as it is. Fair enough if he starts out wide for them.
  14. Jonas is a shrewd loan for Norwich. He will win free kicks and help to run down the clock in games they are hanging on for points in. He fits the situation they are in very well. Plus it's not like they paid any money.
  15. I don't understand... Only half joking. As much as the FA are corrupt plenty of regulatory bodies charge their members such fees for the most innocuous of things.
  16. You probably have to pay some sort of admin fee to have the FA endorse your ownership.
  17. Maximum value. Hence why clubs need to be protected. It's interesting because Southampton has passed to her under intestacy (i.e. on the death of another) she, I assume, doesn't have to satisfy any of the fit and proper criteria. Not that that's a high threshold, but I'm not sure the FA would have let her purchase Southampton on the basis that she wanted to sell all the assets for maximum value (assuming that's what she wants).
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