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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. An important question nobody seems to be asking here: how on earth did Les score all those headers? White as a sheet, black as an AGA. Some right ninnyish posts in here.
  2. That doesn't, I take it, factor in the inherited value of their respective squads? Or, more relevantly, their current market value? Of course. We should expect to be above them because of that. But how many clubs above us have a less valuable squad? Just Hull and Southampton? Genuine question; in your view, is Graham Carr a help or a hindrance to Alan Pardew? I think Graeme Carr's brilliance has been over-hyped. A few of his signings have grown in value, but none more than the likes of Michu or Benteke. Have any of his signings been consistent enough? Have any other clubs come in with breathtaking offers for them? Cabaye attracted some interest to be a bench warmer at Arsenal. No doubt though, he has identified players good enough for this league at prices lower than other clubs have been going out and spending, which I think Pardew should be very grateful for. If only there was some senior figure, in charge of and accountable for the playing staff. Whose remit it would be to get the very best out of the players at his disposal in exchange for handsome remuneration. The players and manager will all be on bonuses for league placement I would imagine. Although any player who earns 2 or 3 million a year will probably not be bothered about a win bonus shared between 25 players... If only there was some senior figure, in charge of and accountable for the playing staff who had the responsibility to motivate players.
  3. I understand the logic in saying lets keep Pardew as he is the least worst option for the club. I don't agree with that but I understand it. The simple fact of the matter that if you take him as a manager in isolation he is not good enough to manage this club. By all means keep him in the job as the 'safe' option. But lets not pretend he's a good manager. If someone of his relative ability was a player constantly in our XI as opposed to the man in charge of them then everybody would be wanting him out of team and as far away from it as possible.
  4. That doesn't, I take it, factor in the inherited value of their respective squads? Or, more relevantly, their current market value? Of course. We should expect to be above them because of that. But how many clubs above us have a less valuable squad? Just Hull and Southampton? Genuine question; in your view, is Graham Carr a help or a hindrance to Alan Pardew? I think Graeme Carr's brilliance has been over-hyped. A few of his signings have grown in value, but none more than the likes of Michu or Benteke. Have any of his signings been consistent enough? Have any other clubs come in with breathtaking offers for them? Cabaye attracted some interest to be a bench warmer at Arsenal. No doubt though, he has identified players good enough for this league at prices lower than other clubs have been going out and spending, which I think Pardew should be very grateful for. If only there was some senior figure, in charge of and accountable for the playing staff. Whose remit it would be to get the very best out of the players at his disposal in exchange for handsome remuneration.
  5. Extended metaphor has confused me.
  6. I'd rather die of thirst than drink from the cup of mediocrity.
  7. http://www.hbshows.com/images/droopy3.jpg More like.
  8. You talking about Ronaldo then? lol... I like Ronaldo. If you don't, tell him.
  9. Why don't Everton chant Leighton Baines to the tune of purple rain?
  10. Axing for trouble if you don't.
  11. The Wigan game before the Stoke cup tie, the away fans booed Allardyce for touching the ball. They also chanted we're shit and we're sick of it. The Liverpool game had the home fans applauding Liverpool fan's for chanting Big Sam for England, before joining in themselves. It's an obtuse point but at times the board is dogged by posters who post in nothing but absolutist prose. Even if you type like you're right all the time, you're not.
  12. Having attended games at the end of Allardyce's tenure he was deeply unpopular. The atmosphere in the 0-3 defeat by Liverpool was truly toxic towards Allardyce. Fans were vitriolic with him during that game and he was barracked from all corners of the ground. Pardew's had that for 10 months man Longer than Allardyce's entire stint. I'm on about in the ground. Not cyberspace. Aye, in the stands. I was there. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/newcastle-1-2-reading-alan-pardew-1546825#ixzz2h2VEwoJp You don't know what you're doing. I said fans were far more vocal in their dissent of Allardyce than Pardew thusfar. It's non-contentious, feel free to disagree but you're wrong
  13. Having attended games at the end of Allardyce's tenure he was deeply unpopular. The atmosphere in the 0-3 defeat by Liverpool was truly toxic towards Allardyce. Fans were vitriolic with him during that game and he was barracked from all corners of the ground. Pardew's had that for 10 months man Longer than Allardyce's entire stint. I'm on about in the ground. Not cyberspace.
  14. Having attended games at the end of Allardyce's tenure he was deeply unpopular. The atmosphere in the 0-3 defeat by Liverpool was truly toxic towards Allardyce. Fans were vitriolic with him during that game and he was barracked from all corners of the ground.
  15. Myopic. 3 points good. Not being able to find a way to get our best players onto the pitch bad.
  16. Could it not be because you are owned by Lerner
  17. Given that Poyet is a manager with a clear playing style I think it will take him a while to get the team playing his way. By that point they could be in very deep water.
  18. I just don't see how you on the one hand are so pleased with the players we have whilst on the other are so content to have Pardew in charge of them. If the players are as good as you say they are then imagine what a good manager could do with them. I know, there's no guarantee of a good manager coming in etc but that is why so many in here are unhappy with Pardew. It also makes it hard to be optimistic about the season. It's not undue pessimism, it's common sense.
  19. I don't know. 10 pages of post-match reaction for a non-televised away game.
  20. This is the Pardew thread. It's a bit like how Cisse still gets criticised when we win.
  21. Einhorn is finkle, finkle is Einhorn!
  22. Di Matteo's West Brom in the championship played better stuff than we did at the time.
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