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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Not now you've expressed your scepticism.
  2. Ashley doesn't know what a decent standard is.....that's why your mate is in the job in the first place. Exactly, and that's why Kinnear is pretty much 99 percent our next manager. Easy option and cheap. He isn't and won't be. Howay then, what fancy names have you for our next manager then? No fancy names at all (what do you mean by fancy? Jesse Blossomfanny is a fancy name, but not sure if they are a manager.) Kinnear has had 2 heart attacks in his last two managerial roles. Common sense would tell you he is incapable of managing again, he won't be as lucky a third time. No one would dare risk it, and I don't even think Kinnear would risk it. A bit of common sense is all it takes to work that out. What if he brings in Mick Harford? That is the big worry. Not as much Kinnear taking over, but who Kinnear would want to put in charge. Does make you wonder why he wanted him as an assistant in the summer. Given that his own job amounted to f*** all itself Didn't he end up getting an improved role at Millwall after our enquiry?
  3. Pardew isn't working. If he does go we are at least working towards something.
  4. Problem is the league doesn't work by selectively choosing the games to Judge Pardew on. Currently we're sixteenth in the table, coincidentally where we finished last season.
  5. What a pointless fucking discussion this is. Ironically, in the most pointless thread on the forum.
  6. When the other team scores 3 the shine tends to come off your 2 goals.
  7. Enjoyed Alan Smith's description of Him, Tiote and Sissoko all being similar players last night. What a fucking Herbert.
  8. So you disagree with gimp that it's a fluke then agree with every other single football fan with an ounce of intelligence that is was a great goal out if the blue which dragged us back in to the game. As long as disagree with Gimp's fluke analysis I'm cool with that. To me it was obvious what Gimp meant. I know he called you names but you do yourself no favours with things like that.
  9. What if anything can he teach our players about football?
  10. Newcastle 7 - Opposition 11 this season so far
  11. We may as well not bother crossing.
  12. He's so much cleverer than Tiote. There was a point last night when Tiote tried to go through an Everton player despite comfortably getting to the ball first, about 25 yards from our goal. Needless to say this didn't work and Everton created a chance from it. Thought to myself that had it been Anita he would have just taken a little touch in the opposite direction to the Everton players momentum and had all the time in the world to play it out.
  13. We didn't really create much of any note in that second half last night. Cabaye's goal was a bolt from the blue. Other than that we had the bundle in the box that Remy put away and Gouffran's chance. Looked useless coming forward still, hardly a cause for optimism.
  14. Played Gouffran through, yeah that was bland. He is a very, very good player. One of the few players who doesn't just kick the ball away. He also used some very good touches to get himself (and the team) out of trouble. I wish more of our players would take the easy option (as in a simple pass). Certainly could have helped us out last night instead of kicking it at Distin.
  15. f*** 'em. I've had to endure David Weir, Tony Hibbert, Kevin Campbell, Peter Reid etc etc etc. Time we got some payback. Quite. I like it when Cabaye is a radge packet.
  16. Neville Southall - right for the wrong reasons.
  17. I think people exaggerate how easy it is to not be playing and suddenly come into a game and 'take your chance'
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