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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. It's been fine in the past, definitely. His lack of confidence/loss of form just seems to have effected all areas of his game. That's pretty much it.
  2. Good to see him taken off before Tiote. Bodes well for a continued starting place.
  3. Forget it. We can't beat them, not under this bloke, he tells us often enough. He's a twat. He's been wrong about enough before.
  4. Build on it Papiss, love you. xxx
  5. He wasn't wrong, Ramsey was awful last season. Don't think anyone expected him to suddenly look like one of the best midfielders in the league. Ben Arfa was awful when he came back from injury and couldn't find form, too. You don't write your own players off when they've proven to be very effective pre-injury. Not often i agree with Ronaldo but he's spot on here. Ron gets this a lot, i tend to see a lot agreeing with him though He's got a bit of 'Dave' in him where he will post a word or two, possibly a short sentence at best to a discussion but then think that is good enough for his argument because he is right, they rarely get drawn in to explaining themselves and expressing their actual opinion It's called economy of expression.
  6. Best side in years? Damning indictment on Pardew if so...
  7. It was compounded by the fact the midfield 3 (not Anita so much) got quite slack with possession and tended to come forward in a haphazard fashion. Sissoko would run from deep with cabaye in front of him, he would then end up past Cabaye which resulted in 5 players in advanced positions. This obviously made it very easy for Hull to counter and got worse as the game went on.
  8. I can keep them coming if you've been enjoying them. Here's one for you. Roeder still has the best Premier League points won record of any Newcastle manager outside of Keegan and Robson. I wasn't keen on his brand of football either, but nor did I ever advocate for his sacking. #Roederin
  9. It's a decent point, like. I genuinely can't remember Wullie ever being happy. Newcastle fan unhappy with Souness, Roeder and Allardyce who'd have thunk it. No-one's particularly happy with Pardew either. Difference between happy and advocating the sack though. There's fuck all difference man . Wullie is a dreamer who wants what's best for the club, its hardly worth all this drivel.
  10. It's a decent point, like. I genuinely can't remember Wullie ever being happy. Newcastle fan unhappy with Souness, Roeder and Allardyce who'd have thunk it.
  11. When he was appointed we knew he was crap. He's still crap. There is an argument about whether we could get anyone better but he remains a thoroughly uninspiring appointment. It's not really contentious.
  12. Seems to be ignored that this is what you typed
  13. Anyone remember our short corner last season? You know, the one we took with Krul in the box.
  14. It's frightening how many chances Hull have created today. Hull. We have a knack for making crap teams/players look like world beaters. If we're going to play such an attacking 4-3-3 then the midfielders must protect the ball better than we did today. That miss.
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