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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. This empirical analysis of footballers is not for me like.
  2. Culminating in a who ran over Mike Ashley storyline.
  3. Indirectly though his influence on Ashley, would seem to be grounds to believe Ashley trusts Kinnear's judgment.
  4. Realistically Kinnear is the man with his finger on the trigger now, no?
  5. Relatively speaking, just deconstructs O'Reilly's Right Wing rhetoric espoused as fact.
  6. It's like when Olbermann dissects O'Reilly line by line.
  7. When Shakhtar were littered with Brazillians he was great. They were all a pretty lazy bunch mind who turned it on when they wanted.
  8. http://www.sickchirpse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Nah-Youre-Alright.png Nah, you're alright.
  9. This idea of a knee-jerk reaction to city as a one-off game needs to stop too. We have signed one player (currently injured). The only other things that have changed since last season is no European football and a smaller squad to go with it (not to mention a shiny 'new' DOF to muddy the water). It's possible things will be different sure and all bar the most idiotic of fans would be happy with progress should it occur. That being said in the here and now, there is not much to see as positive. Re: Pardew's comments to the press - managers just talk all the time. I think a lot of what he says is disingenuous but at the end of the day who cares what he says, it what he does that matters.
  10. No s***. You not think we all are slightly worried? You can be slightly worried without throwing negative comments every time Pardew speaks, looking at every line word by word, for one sentence he might have slipped up on. Soon as that is found, the rest of his interview is irrelevant even if he’s right because he is wrong about that one sentence so he gets crucified. Every time without fail. Can you have a triple tag team? Is that allowed? Yeah man, quite a common thing. May even become known as a Stable, coincidentally that is a pimping term for a group of bitches.
  11. Wahey! I just mean the way he's always in the 'the whole word is against us' whinge mode. His accent doesn't help either. Pretty childish of me. Listened to him on Football Focus the other day and he sounded genuinely hurt about the way he was portrayed during his last Premier League Season. Another pet hate, Football Focus.
  12. I wouldn't take too much notice of what a manager says
  13. He's a c**ty manager imo. Bad for the game. It's all about existing for his teams, not being successful nor entertaining. Calculated to do enough. f***s me off that he hides behind his smoke and mirrors pseudo-science too. I'm mostly annoyed that his team will probably do us at the weekend. And still Ashley binned him...odd. Context.
  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v379/catsrluv/GIF/tumblr_lx709p6pN81r98lguo2_500.gif
  15. http://olivierschmitt.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/surrender-monkey.jpg
  16. Your sentiment is bang on but the harsh reality is the fan's are spending their money on his business. That's their prerogative. Any money coming into NUFC belongs to Ashley alone by virtue of his shareholding.
  17. And if/when we don't It'll be another excuse for our failure. An "excuse" or an explanation? I'm getting tired of people pointing to injuries, lack of squad depth, lack of Premiership experience, etc. as ready made "excuses" for Pardew, as if he enjoys being in this situation where he's asking for certain things, and is not given them, as it will let him off the hook somehow. It won't. I'm pretty sure Pardew, or any manager, would prefer to be given the tools required to do the job, rather than having to rely on inferior players in the "eventuality" of injuries, suspensions, etc. We have played one match, and we're already three squad (arguably first team) players down for the upcoming matches, on top of the players that were sold this summer. Our squad is weak in quantity and quality if our aim is to finish in the top 8. Yes, our manager is poor as well, no doubt about it, but by continuously ignoring his requests for investment in the squad, and for specific attributes like Premiership experience, they are hanging him out to dry imho. [/rant] He's shit. Fuck him. We're the ones who suffer. Our lousy manager matches our recruitment policy.
  18. Expect? No certainly not. Fat Mike has succeeded in lowering my expectations so much I don't. I'd love to know where the money does go though. Doesn't take much to find out. £1 iirc. I've seen the accounts but that's not the point I'm making. My question was meant to be more along the lines of why don't we have anything to spend this summer? We'll never know of course, If the club came out and said we aren't buying anyone this summer season ticket sales would plummet. Eh? Surely the accounts will give a fair indication whether we actually had decent wedge to spend this summer when they come out? If not, then they'll show the money must have instead gone to pay off debt, wages, or something else. It doesn't just disappear. "The debt" is is owed to Ashley. The Loans are payable on demand but whilst Ashley owns the club it makes no sense for him to "repay" these loans as in order to do so He'd have to take a loan out against the club which would bear interest. If Ashley intends to repay the debt and neglect the team I'm sure we'd all prefer to be told because by not saying he's basically obtaining money by deception. He's not like. It's his company, he owns it (sole shareholder). He would only be deceiving himself.
  19. Don't like Nolan or Barton too much as players but they provided something we simply don't have within this group and it shows when we go behind. Devils advocate, but they did bugger all of the sort when we got relegated. It's a complex situation influenced by a number of variables.
  20. Exactly. How long does it take to sign your name?
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