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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Taylor would get floored by Carroll.
  2. He's a c**ty manager imo. Bad for the game. It's all about existing for his teams, not being successful nor entertaining. Calculated to do enough. f***s me off that he hides behind his smoke and mirrors pseudo-science too. I'm mostly annoyed that his team will probably do us at the weekend.
  3. I'm not sure, despite him being terrible quite a lot of football people seem to like him. You couldn't hope to meet a more shrewd and sincere bunch. Unless of course you're saying it wouldn't have killed him off.
  4. I agree, before going down the tedious French Bottlers route, I'd rather we looked at appointing a manager suited to making the best use of our players and recruiting policy. It's tight-fisted but that doesn't mean we are buying bad players, very few have dipped in value since coming here so that shows other teams rate them highly. Since Ashley has come in we have always been nearer to a continental model of recruitment. Really haven't been able to figure out why we haven't gone down the Continental manager route. I can only assume the people advising him on football are terrible.
  5. What a fucking shame Allardyce (spell check wants to change his name to Mallard) scraped through via the play-off's when West Ham went down. He had the best squad in the division and would have been sacked had he failed to get promoted. Think it would have killed him off as a top-flight manager. Detestable clown and a damning indictment on the effect of money in football.
  6. Kinnear told a punter at Nice that we would have 3 players in by Saturday. Kinnear is telling the truth now.
  7. We don't have the resources to buy the best of anything it would seem. A big problem is our focus on value, which has led to the focus on France. Something can be good value and still cheap tat.
  8. http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/3/3c/Dolan_original.gif
  9. He's a handsome bloke besotted with a munter.
  10. thought it was pardew. There hasn't been a single good delivery since Pardew has been here.
  11. He's clearly a talented manager. So was SAF. But he's not likeable in the slightest 'It has been one of the privileges of my life to have met and to have been enthused by him. As I said at the beginning, he influenced me then and will always influence me.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1215147/It-privileges-life-met-enthused--Sir-Alex-Fergusons-moving-tribute-Sir-Bobby-Robson-full.html#ixzz2cbG2V5Wu
  12. Seems to me that both Hatem and Sissoko are capable of driving runs from deep, however, these seem to exist in isolation. There is usually nothing on for either player once they have made this break forward. No one knows what to do.
  13. 'Request after request goes in to Newcastle to interview the owner, but each time that request is returned with football’s version of the wrong answer noise from Family Fortunes.'
  14. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/barry-fry-delivers-daughter-ambers-2192970
  15. Saturday better be like when the Corleone family 'settles it's debts'. It's all very quiet and little more than innuendo about what we're doing right now. This thread has been pretty dire this summer.
  16. I really hope Journalists read this forum .
  17. I'm not sure he'll be going if that is the case. I could perhaps see PSG paying it but not Arsenal. It wouldn't surprise me if Cabaye stays, sulks, plays worse than last year and leaves next year for £8mil. Apparently this mindset is exactly what you want in a relegation battle.
  18. Is bullshit .com, once when I was bored I emailed them pretending to be a stockbroker saying Ashley had just bought enough shares to force a mandatory purchase of the rest of the shares with some bullshit reasoning and made up graphs, luckily for them later that day he did but I'd just made it up, made them look like they had an exclusive way before all the other news sources. I remember being on here in stitches cause you all changed the thread title at the time quoting .com. WAT
  19. Sounds promising that .com is referring to it as 'concluding'.
  20. Didn't understand that at all. He had the least hype of all the French lads but along with Mapou I think he has the most potential to be a hit here. He could be our most effective player going forward, Hatem aside.
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