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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Will the Aussie's be doing a big camping community thing again like they did in SA?
  2. I fear this is inevitable, it will be horrible to behold. Kinnear's hoop must be like the sarlacc.
  3. Well now we know who did the player names for pro evo.
  4. So all the Pardew out stuff was a case of 'our true enemy has not yet shown his face.' f***s sake.
  5. been calling him that all season without so much as a smile.
  6. This. Before all this kicked off last season was still a complete disaster.
  7. I couldn't help it at the time, I was listening and forgot he was at our club. It's gallows humour.
  8. Fucking hell. Laughed throughout his interview. Kind of like laughing at someone punching your mum in the face. This club.
  9. How long to mispronunciation leads us to selling the wrong player?
  10. fuck me. Have watched them a lot this season. Haven't been with the team. May be other areas we need to strengthen.
  11. a. Nobody said he is racist. b. Robbie Earle isn't foreign. I can just see him being one of the those who think we've got too many foreign players. Just my opinion of the dinosaur c***. Well i said Robbie Earle in respect if the racist comment made by someone earlier, as i think you well know cheeky. And i don't think he Xenophobic either. He managed in UAE, Nepal and India.....they are foreign i think. Yeah but he only played players of the same nationality.
  12. Some of my best employee's are black. Pinch of salt stuff Bimps.
  13. Hatem Arfa He strikes me as someone that would be racist. Not saying he is, but he's definitely scummy enough. Perhaps not racist, but I'd be amazed if he's not privately xenophobic about 'foreigners' and suchlike. A working class Irishman growing up in London. Don't be daft.
  14. I feel psycho mantis and Mike has put the controller in port 2.
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