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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Blooming heck, there are no words. What's the point of being a football club.
  2. Was reading on .com the other day that Cabaye played 18minutes of pre-season last year. One of our most important players. Dispute over an unpaid dental bill. Vintage NUFC.
  3. Yeah pretty much. Though it's becoming less and less a feature of the modern games managers must be allowed to manage. Its about the right person for the job. If Arsenal want to go down the experienced road then they shouldn't have a manager whose ethos is the development of young talent. I suppose Arsenal may feel that they may not be able to get anyone better for the job and therefore will stick with what is (at its highest) a poor fit. That said, if the experience point is true then they could have a manager better suited to the role.
  4. How many aimless chipped through balls in that time? completely forgot about those. You could literally see us routinely conceding goals by virtue of him being on the pitch. Crazy that he played so much.
  5. So you're telling me he said 'I want to sell Alan Shearer and replace him with Emile Mpenza'? I really don't remember that from his book, though i'll admit I read it a long time ago. I know he had coveted Mpenza for a while, but my recollection was that Liverpool made an approach to Shepherd for Shearer. At which point Robson made the Crown Jewel's comment. Being prepared to deal with the consequences of Shearer's sale is one thing. Actively wanting to sell him seems to be something of an overstatement.
  6. He wanted to replace him with Emile Mpenza, as has already been said. By yourself, I think you're wrong.
  7. Im pretty sure it was Bobby who referred to Shearer as like selling the Crown Jewels in his book.
  8. Aye, when you walk away from a relationship looking a bigger t*** than the footballer, you know you are s*** at life. Some of the s**** she spouted about being in a Hollywood film and such. Just... wow. Dunno what's worse: there's people who talk that s****, or that there's people that create a market for it http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm209/jazzence/Cocaine-Is-Hell-Of-A-Drug.gif
  9. He was blatantly seeing other Women.
  10. Can see why we're bidding for him.
  11. He was able to get the best out of the Honey Monster.
  12. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20130529/pardew-wants-dominant-defensive-threat_2281670_3194452 Bit more season review context. Do other managers ever spout this kind of bullshit? Was talking to some fans of other clubs past couple of weeks and they were rolling around laughing at some of the s*** I was telling them he says. I think if you analysed other managers' quotes to the extent we do with Pardew, without the audio/video and the context/question, you could generate nearly as many ridiculous quotes. Maybe not the same amount, but not far off. Especially if you only concentrated on managers under pressure or where things were going badly on the pitch.
  13. Luis Garcia was mint at headers and he was a midget.
  14. Why is that a problem? I'd like us to play on the front foot. Cabs can't play AM in a team like that. fair enough. I just think it may be easier for us to be that team under Pardew rather than a front foot team.
  15. I wore some Alan Pardew style Ned Flanders socks yesterday.
  16. He is only a couple of games away from losing the home fans IMO. Can't recall anyone ever surviving that for much time.
  17. 'its not the despair Laura, I can handle the despair. It's the hope I can't stand.'
  18. Refreshing to see him with some end product.
  19. Oh right well if Redknapp said it. As far as Carroll goes, everyone was a winner at that moment in time.
  20. Clive Mendonca who scored a hat-trick against Sunderland in the play-off final?
  21. If he had that much passion he wouldn't have left at the first opportunity. We still don't really know the full story of him leaving. If your employer wants you to f*** off you can't really stick around can you? What a load of tosh man. Carroll knew about Liverpool's interest so demanded a pay-rise even though he'd only recently signed a new contract and we rightly told him to p*ss off. True loyalty to us that is. Thing is we wouldn't have told him to p*ss off if hadn't been a crazy £35 million. We were guilty of offering a real promising youngster a p*ss poor contract improvement and then holding him to it when any other youngster in his league at any other club would have been on a hell of a lot more. NUFC knew exactly what they were doing with Carroll. At least Carroll was committed when he was on the pitch and gave everything all the time. Given was guilty of pissing off for £££££'s, Shola and Harper happy to sit around and take healthy money for very little return for many years. Amazing how different fans have different opinions of different situations or in your case have access to the facts. Demanded a pay rise did he. You make it sound like he said give me that amount or I'm off. More likely, it was a case of, I don't want to leave, but it's a chance for me to financially be set for life. I'd love to stay here if we can reach an agreement closer to what other clubs value me at. That is much nearer the truth. You're right, Shay was only here for 12 years like. Not like Carroll who made 80 appearances the vast majority over 2 and a bit seasons. I agree that a lot of people pass off what they believe as fact. Ironic that you speculate about the boards activities and book end your argument with your own speculation as to what Carroll's thought processes were mind.
  22. Hussain Bolt? Also enjoyed him struggling with Bigi's name. 'That sounds like it should rhyme but it doesn't'.
  23. watching games might actually be fun though. We aren't likely to win anything any time soon, like the vast majority of teams in the league. Enjoying watching is all that's left.
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