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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Kinda feel like this is going to script for us. Not a brilliant game.
  2. 1) Some crimes don't require any intent. 2) We are not talking about the prosecution of people but the sanction to be imposed on conviction. 3) This just simply isn't true. A jury needs to be sure based on the evidence, sure means different things to different people. That is markedly different in Practice I suspect, to what you are imagining 'rock solid' evidence to be. Rock solid itself shows you the problem with human interpretation, it means different things to different people. In the US for every 9 people executed 1 person on Death Row has been exonerated. https://eji.org/issues/death-penalty/ Is worth checking out for how the US deals with these questions; in summary, badly.
  3. So you have a system that relies not just on proving an act but also the intent. Proving somebody's mental state can be very tricky particularly when they are saying, yes I killed but it was manslaughter not murder. Couple that with a system that is reliant on human interpretation and you're a good way short of watertight.
  4. Think we will sign two immediate outfield starters and probably a couple/few prospects for the squad.
  5. Klopp name dropped us the other day when talking about Chelsea and saying ownership needs looking at.
  6. Big Dan Burn to the tune of ‘My Sweet Lord’ or for the purists ‘he’s so fine’
  7. Didn't Colo boot Ba in the nose when Ba was at Chelsea too?
  8. Think he will be better suited to when we have more of the ball in midfield too.
  9. Looks less fit than the other players, probably because he’s not been properly Howed for a while. Not sure it’s slow so much as tired and difficult to catch people with tired legs who have turned you.
  10. solitude on the page before said Bruno wouldn’t be replacing shelvey as he’s not a DM. Jonjo isn’t a defensive midfielder either. He’s a midfield playmaker who has been told by Howe to sit deep and stay close to the back four. There are a number of posts that suggest Bruno is not capable of occupying this role. If shelvey can do it I can see no reason why Bruno can’t.
  11. On what planet is Jonjo Shelvey a defensive midfielder?
  12. Willock is pretty good at winning the ball high up the pitch.
  13. On my stream the commentator was saying he shouldn’t get that foul at the end, looked about as blatant a foul as you’ll see. The balls on the guy if nothing else
  14. He's going to be fucked when he realises Wor Flags East Stand Flags are the Helios sign.
  15. The thing is Russians are being sanctioned by the state arent they. It’s not a footballing decision but a national one.
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